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Re: Current display of numbers instead of dots

rated by 0 users
Fri, Apr 4 2014 12:37 PM (33 replies)
  • ScottHope
    10,654 Posts
    Tue, Feb 18 2014 4:26 AM

    Thanks Keith. I feel you are right in that people are going to be confused by the term 'Meter speed' and will assume that an increasing number will mean a faster meter. Surely the easiest solution is to simply rename it, maybe something like 'Meter brake'.

  • keidan
    311 Posts
    Tue, Feb 18 2014 9:13 AM

    I agree Scott, it could be a bit of a slog to program a new meter speed scale going in the right direction and players getting used to it.  -Keith

  • ScottHope
    10,654 Posts
    Fri, Apr 4 2014 7:35 AM

    This is a bit concerning that people are buying clubs (R11 level 90 irons in this example) without fully understanding the new meter speed rating system...

    ...perhaps there should be a section in the pro shop to fully expain the club attributes and their associated ratings or at the very least a link to the club ratings section in the FAQ's.

  • ApexPC
    3,164 Posts
    Fri, Apr 4 2014 12:37 PM


    Where do they go after that 5th dot is full?

    To an added 6th dot?

    No doubt - numbers allow more gradations.