Pardon me John, a third wedge is only justified with custom irons IMHO. How should three wedges fit below a 90 yds PW?
@Rick: Me thinks that you are in a difficult situation. The game becomes tough with Starter equipment, but from a 68.8 average, 67.0 is close which will bring you to Master tees which will add another 30 yds to MER#18. That would be about time to spend a bullseye in the Pro Shop.
Decision time: keep playing small time, or start the fun investing some cash or time for videos etc.
If so, a budget start is one quality 3WD (G20?, 235 yds) as a driver replacement, and two short wedges from lvl 39 up.
Switching to custom balls (Tour-SD?) would burn small holes in your pocket constantly, and a putter (>500 crs!) would push your putting.