PaulTon:Shadywank please stop de-railing this thread.
I guess that putting a 'wink' at the end of a comment makes using an insult towards a person a way to show respect?
If this thread is about showing respect towards others, how is a discussion, on what I consider to be a possible way to get an unfair advantage in a match for credits, off-topic? My initial post on the subject was written, in all sincerity, as a question on a matter that could be considered cheating by many WGT players, and one I did not have the answer to. And, if it turned out that the majority of players do consider it cheating, what is more dis-respectful than cheating someone out of their money?
If you want to talk about showing respect, we can discuss 3 replies made to my legitimate and innocent question. I didn't accuse anyone of cheating, I simply gave my opinion on the program's that can be used to make the most important shot in golf a little easier for a player, if being used in a match where credits are won and lost.
I also made it clear that I wouldn't debate it if WGT has deemed it fair-play. I happen to believe that a simple & respectful reply to my 1st post on the topic would have been easy to write, and I know it would have been the way to go to get anyone to drop the subject. But, sarcastic or snide remarks to a person's suggestion/question meant only to offer a possibility and to learn more about the game, will normally be met with the same sarcasm.
None of which displays a respectful attitude, nor does it promote the same. So, my apologies for asking a question and giving information I have, that was meant to address an issue that is a concern for many players here.
Lastly, if this whole thread is meant to be sarcastic on the topic of respect towards others, then some thought should go into a new title for it. And, if that is the actual reason for it I can definitely provide plenty of participation in it.
Fine tune your putting
with the WGT Putter Pal. When you're putting, you'll see a ruler below
the swing meter with increments every 10% and at 25%, 50% and 75%, so
you can more accurately set the power of your putts.
I'm still new here but that sounds like it gives an advantage to me. But, if it's allowed I'll only have a problem with it if I find out a player is using one in a challenge skins game with my credits at stake. Even then, I won't be dis-respectful about it, I just won't play them any longer.
Last I'll say about it if someone has enough respect to take a few minutes for a reply that just explains to me how or why I'm off-topic here.