The only way I could see it working is in a very controlled way. As soon as credits get involved things have a habit of going sour quick however few they are. I think allowing the CC owner to run a bank as such is the wrong way to go. Now for many clubs all would be dandy, but inevitably discord would happen much also.
Now bear with me as I think there is some room for manoeuvre. Rather than have a bank, which some one (CC owner) has total control of a pool per tournament would be better IMO. I just don't think, however small the extra issue, many CC owner's would want any more hassle. Now OK all done sensibly there should not be much but credit's involved and sense sadly can go quick.
This pool could operate even for handicapped type stuff. Everyone enters with a known handicap. If they don't like that handicap well thrash that out before, and leave the CC lol if that unhappy.
Now (stay with me as real close to end) every one enters a pre designated number of rounds tourney, pre designated handicap and stone cast pay out.
I emphasise pre designated everything as this would need to be entered in such a way that you sign up to something that is not able to be changed after. For clarity think secure WGT spreadsheet that once finalised is not able to be altered by anyone. - a bit like entering a RG, just that you know the handicap offered in this case.
As WGT have not even offered brackets to CCs I hold out little hope of a finger being lifted to any of this whilst zero competition exists, but no harm batting the ideas round.