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Mon, May 19 2014 8:29 AM (17 replies)
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  • DaddysKat
    3,554 Posts
    Wed, May 14 2014 8:24 PM

    But too many grey areas for wgt to allow this one thinks

    Limit it to CC's with over a certain number of members.  How many accounts can someone at the same IP address have at one time?  Or maybe have the CC pay for the use of the bank ... or maybe both?


  • MBaggese
    15,375 Posts
    Wed, May 14 2014 11:01 PM

    Kat, has been talked about and batied back and forth for a long time.


    Issue is, ...


    I start a a "club bank of credits" over time...then I send them "somewhere"...and shut down the club.


    Seen trifles of this in the ain forums where CC owner would boot members prior to 2nd rounds of tourneys, and/or after they signed into a credit tourney..


    Lotta unscruplous folks out there.

  • shovlovin
    2,112 Posts
    Thu, May 15 2014 12:35 AM

    Thank you very much for your input, perhaps the only answer is to be able to use your cc credits to buy from pro shop.

  • DaddysKat
    3,554 Posts
    Thu, May 15 2014 12:41 AM


    Kat, has been talked about and batied back and forth for a long time.


    Issue is, ...


    I start a a "club bank of credits" over time...then I send them "somewhere"...and shut down the club.


    Seen trifles of this in the ain forums where CC owner would boot members prior to 2nd rounds of tourneys, and/or after they signed into a credit tourney..


    Lotta unscruplous folks out there.

    I doubt there are "lotta" when it comes to a CC owner ... maybe "a few".  What we do have is a "lotta" suspicious folks that interject  the most ridiculous scenarios.  Why would a member keep adding credits to a CC's bank ... safe keeping?  Get real ... a member already has a bank ... it's under their Credits.

    What would the owner and their members use the CC bank for?  Buy-ins for special type tournaments not currently offered by WGT ... net handicap tourneys ... group skins ... long-term tourneys (such as tournaments that run for 3 months or more).  And how much would a member consider paying into the bank ... 10 credits .. 25 credits?  Any member that would keep putting money into a CC's bank that didn't pay out the credits to the winners of a tourney would have to possess an IQ lower than room temperature.  Would you continue putting money into a bank that didn't give you your money when you wanted it?  Finally, do you think for a minute if this happened one time WGT wouldn't hear about it?  Or the members would continue to be members of that CC?  Again, how brainless do you think the people here are?

    I simply can't agree with this senseless argument.  It doesn't have any merit.  Why work your butt off putting a CC together to just throw it (and your personal enjoyment of this game away) for something as foolish as what ... 2000 credits?

    Maybe I have more respect for the CC owners than WGT does.  And maybe I think the majority of the members here can think and won't stand for these actions you've described.

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Thu, May 15 2014 2:48 AM

    The only way I could see it working is in a very controlled way.  As soon as credits get involved things have a habit of going sour quick however few they are.  I think allowing the CC owner to run a bank as such is the wrong way to go.  Now for many clubs all would be dandy, but inevitably discord would happen much also.  

    Now bear with me as I think there is some room for manoeuvre.  Rather than have a bank, which some one (CC owner) has total control of a pool per tournament would be better IMO.  I just don't think, however small the extra issue, many CC owner's would want any more hassle.  Now OK all done sensibly there should not be much but credit's involved and sense sadly can go quick.  

    This pool could operate even for handicapped type stuff.  Everyone enters with a known handicap.  If they don't like that handicap well thrash that out before, and leave the CC lol if that unhappy.  

    Now (stay with me as real close to end) every one enters a pre designated number of rounds tourney, pre designated handicap and stone cast pay out.  

    I emphasise pre designated everything as this would need to be entered in such a way that you sign up to something that is not able to be changed after.  For clarity think secure WGT spreadsheet that once finalised is not able to be altered by anyone.   - a bit like entering a RG, just that you know the handicap offered in this case.

    As WGT have not even offered brackets to CCs I hold out little hope of a finger being lifted to any of this whilst zero competition exists, but no harm batting the ideas round.

  • DaddysKat
    3,554 Posts
    Thu, May 15 2014 9:05 AM

    As WGT have not even offered brackets to CCs I hold out little hope of a finger being lifted to any of this whilst zero competition exists, but no harm batting the ideas round.

    Yeah ... Hazen can't even get yellow Cally balls and owners can't e-mail their members ... why would I think they would even consider having to do that four-letter word (WORK) for the CC's?

    I just don't think it's fair for an owner to have to fund "gifts" for their members when participating in tourneys that last 3 months ... and doing it just for fun tends to limit participation in the tourneys.

    Edit:  I'm not an owner of a CC, just an active member.  I can imagine how much time the really good CC's owners must dedicate to keep their clubs running smoothly.  It just seems like a CC pool or bank would be a great addition for every well run CC.  

  • Dougie4042
    4,410 Posts
    Thu, May 15 2014 11:53 PM



    By setting up a MP match for the amount and forfeiting the match. The problem is WGT gets a piece of it so factor that into the amount. There is no direct way to get credits from one player to another.

    Doing this can raise red flags and be a indication of multi accounting or selling credits. I would go with his second suggestion.


    - WGTdbloshoe

    Agreed!  Ethics, people.  :-)

  • ECBonus
    743 Posts
    Mon, May 19 2014 8:29 AM

    I have seen it go both ways, there was a person running a "bank" who was not the CC owner just up and disappear with what is thought to be around 110,000 donated credits which some 90,000 were owed to members, to this day he will not answer PMs or e mails.

    I have also seen it work very well where more than 1 person had the keys to the so called bank.

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