suncity28: I gave it everything ripped into it big time Got it perfect of the face wen`t miles into the air.
nice feeling when it happens's great when you just know on striking the ball.....thanks for the insight to your real game.....also, nice view of your home #18...
gymbo50: WGT advertises that they are the most realistic golf game on he web.
interesting.......I think the emphasis is on the word 'most' rather than 'the' or 'actual'.......if you were a true golfer you would agree that in real life the more you play the same course the more you get to know the subtleties of the course & especially the greens...though the challenge that always brings us back each time is the varying conditions, be they weather or personal (includes hangovers..!!!) that breaks the monotony of having ideal conditions all the time.....
like in real life within the parameters you have here....the scores are irrelevant.......who ever achieves the lowest score wins be it 51 or 64........who cares, it's about having fun & if you can't achieve that in real life golf then there is not much more I can say....other than if you get a bad break on a shot, suck it in, forget about the last shot & concentrate on the next shot.......that is the difference between getting away with a par or suffering a bogey or a double bogey.........your choice......