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US Open Qualifier

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Sun, May 25 2014 12:16 AM (32 replies)
  • bighitter54
    94 Posts
    Fri, May 23 2014 1:48 AM

    ahhh cmon people are u all MORONS. the players that shoot these kinda scores have the DING cheat code. they can put the ball on the green everytime 3 to 4 ft. away from the hole and that's supposed to be fair to us players who play this game for fun....I DON'T THINK SO.

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Fri, May 23 2014 2:21 AM


    ahhh cmon people are u all MORONS. the players that shoot these kinda scores have the DING cheat code. they can put the ball on the green everytime 3 to 4 ft. away from the hole and that's supposed to be fair to us players who play this game for fun....I DON'T THINK SO.

    Oh boy here we go again. 

    Mind on vacation but his mouth is working overtime.

  • mara43
    1,674 Posts
    Fri, May 23 2014 2:40 AM

    ahhh cmon people are u all MORONS. the players that shoot these kinda scores have the DING cheat code


  • DAZZA501
    5,972 Posts
    Fri, May 23 2014 2:42 AM

    Why don't these people just ask if theres any top players out there that could play a few games with them and give some tips on how to improve and get a better understanding of how the game works. Surely that would be more productive than calling everyone a cheat.

  • MainzMan
    9,593 Posts
    Fri, May 23 2014 3:18 AM


    ahhh cmon people I am a MORON. the players that shoot these kinda scores have played thousands of rounds and are very good at the game. they can put the ball on the green everytime 9 to 12 ft. away from the hole and that's fair enough because they've invested the time to be this good, not like us players who just play this game for fun but that's fine....I THINK SO ANYWAY.

    Fixed it for you.  Now you don't sound like a whining dickhead.

  • Yakky34
    14 Posts
    Fri, May 23 2014 4:10 AM

    My point was realism. Plus I am not some losers who hangs out on the computer all day and spends money on an online game all day I actually go out and play real golf. Sorry

  • suncity28
    1,266 Posts
    Fri, May 23 2014 4:38 AM

    ^^^^ lol!

    good fix.

  • brysoni23
    693 Posts
    Fri, May 23 2014 5:10 AM


    Why don't these people just ask if theres any top players out there that could play a few games with them and give some tips on how to improve and get a better understanding of how the game works. Surely that would be more productive than calling everyone a cheat.

    I managed to play a round with Hanswurst72 he learnt me a lot about putting was one of the best thing I did on here.

    Still alot to learn though, anyone fancy a game ;) haha 

  • overtheedge
    5,885 Posts
    Fri, May 23 2014 7:26 AM

    Fixed it for you.  Now you don't sound like a whining dickhead.

    LOL!!!!!!!!!!! Something about Fridays and a hearty laugh,,,lol. tx Mainz

  • TheAceFactor
    2,147 Posts
    Fri, May 23 2014 8:10 AM

    LoL  Mainz Man