@damejune2: Your perceptions are incorrect. Average and tiering IS about scores and round numbers, but there are quite a few details altering and hiding it.
Take players coming from Facebook.
Take players on mobile, playing no ranked rounds.
Take players winning matches or credits.
The company won't give their secret away, for various possible reasons. The reasons NOT involved are arbitrariness and "right time" issues.
BTW, you are faring quite well as a TP.
You have about 90 ranked TP rounds, and your average is calculated from 25 scores between 31 and 37. That means, you have broken the barrier, and you might do it again!
Your best scores (to my knowledge) are 31, 32, 32, 33. Only these four (doubled) are below the threshold of 67.00. Therefore, only scores of 33 and better will bring you "over the bridge". Any amelioration by higher scores is futile.
OTOH, after the next round below 37, scores of 36 up won't alter your average at all.
BTW2: You might support your chances by replacing the $%&§ Starter wedges by two short custom wedges. L39 ATV are nice, and L80 Cleves are top quality - or wait for the L89 ATVs.
Have fun!