ultimateklyn: im 78 and still amateur!!!!
im 78 and still amateur!!!!
The average score needed was below 80 on the old algorithm. But this new average scoring algorithm makes it harder to predict when you will turn pro as it depends on the number of ranked rounds you complete as well. See the first post on http://www.wgt.com/forums/t/26060.aspx
I have a friend who's average score is 78.82 and he has just been made a pro. I have got mine down to 77.7 and am still in amateur tier. How does that work? thanks.
Haven't I said already play more rounds - you have to play a minimum amount of rounds (which wgt refuses to disclose) to move up a tier.
play( and complete) different courses!
Its cause ur rubbish
72.....and still amateur!
I think its like standard golf system, your handicap (status amature\pro\master in this game) will be based over 3 games.
If you play 5 bad games then your staus should drop back too I guess... not sure I only joined this a couple of days ago
That is untrue because I have a 77 avg and yet i am still amateur
gene1022: When your avg score drops below 80 you will become a pro automaticly
When your avg score drops below 80 you will become a pro automaticly
I have a 76 and still amateur