how's the back today bud?
to you and anyone who may be reading this thread -
wgt has resolved this matter with me and over compensated in fact.
It's my guess my replies were getting filtered and perhaps they had no idea my account hadn't been credited. So, i decided to copy the text of their reply and my original into a 'new' ticket mail to support.
In typical speedy fashion I received a new mail in stating request received with a new ticket #.
a short 2 hours later, I got a personal reply to my mail from support apologizing for the delay, and like me, did not know why the compensation hadn't shown up.
I just want all to know, they've always been fair with me and this time is no different.
I thanked them for tolerating me and the rantings of this particular wgt addict.
cheers, get that back right - weekend will be here before you know it alosso :)