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Re: new cheating

Fri, Jun 13 2014 7:30 AM (28 replies)
  • bhoese
    679 Posts
    Sun, Jun 8 2014 8:13 AM


    Shadyshank----I didn't find your last post too long at all ! I agree with you .  I've always thought the ones protesting the most about (there are no cheaters) are probably the ones that ARE themselves the multis !!!

    When has anybody ever said that multis aren't a problem?


  • MainzMan
    9,591 Posts
    Sun, Jun 8 2014 10:59 AM


    I've always thought the ones protesting the most about (there are no cheaters) are probably the ones that ARE themselves the multis !!!

    Did you bother to click the link Bollox posted?


    The RG you're talking about was not tiered, it was open to all players.

    This is the RG you're talking about I'm assuming...

    Notice that the lowest level player in the top 20 is 93, most of them are over 100 and only one of them is not a TL?   That doesn't exactly scream mulit at me.

    The top of that leader board is just full of extremely good players, please stop insulting them with groundless accusations.

    There are plenty of cheats around but if you're looking for them in that list then you're out of luck.

  • borntobesting
    9,738 Posts
    Sun, Jun 8 2014 11:45 AM

    Did you bother to click the link Bollox posted?

    Probably not. Because they knew it would prove they were wrong.

  • ShadyShank
    629 Posts
    Sun, Jun 8 2014 11:52 AM

    I've always thought the ones protesting the most about (there are no cheaters) are probably the ones that ARE themselves the multis !!!

    Thanks Gary, and I agree with your comment above as it usually is the case in about anything. Sort of like the ones who post a picture of a blind man as their reply, who can't see to read, yet state their reason for not reading something as being because it was too long....? What they are really saying is, 'I've never read more than 2 paragraphs of anything because 3 takes too long, so instead I choose to remain ignorant on most written topics that have no pictures to help me along.'

    Here's, the short version of that for Stevie. 'I can't read.'

    And since your post probably had too many letters mixed with parenthesis, apostrophes, and exclamation marks, here's a shortened version of that for our non-reading players.

    Thou who smelt it, dealt it.

  • chrisironsbones
    3,524 Posts
    Sun, Jun 8 2014 12:25 PM


    I've always thought the ones protesting the most about (there are no cheaters) are probably the ones that ARE themselves the multis !!!

    Thanks Gary, and I agree with your comment above as it usually is the case in about anything. Sort of like the ones who post a picture of a blind man as their reply, who can't see to read, yet state their reason for not reading something as being because it was too long....? What they are really saying is, 'I've never read more than 2 paragraphs of anything because 3 takes too long, so instead I choose to remain ignorant on most written topics that have no pictures to help me along.'

    Here's, the short version of that for Stevie. 'I can't read.'

    And since your post probably had too many letters mixed with parenthesis, apostrophes, and exclamation marks, here's a shortened version of that for our non-reading players.

    Thou who smelt it, dealt it.

    Some player use their freedom of speech to accuse players of cheating, others whine and others choose to give us sarcastic pictures.  One might think that these cheating posts are ignorant whilst another might see the sarcastic pictures of a blind man as ignorant.  Although i'm not a fan personally of pauls picture posts every where, i'm less of a fan of players accusing others of cheating when all they are doing is explaining different possibilities of achieving low scores through different tournament set ups.  And all these players are Tour Legend who have done the hard miles on this game.  They deserve a bit of respect NOT Abuse.  

    And as for the player thats been accused for no reason, Its probably just a genuine disconnect which has caused some one to lose $$. All you need to do is to read the forums, there's posts all over the place on the same issue.

    I played the guy your on about, he might have been rude after losing, but he was not a cheat.  The OP needs a 2 week ban from forums.

  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Sun, Jun 8 2014 12:33 PM


    Thanks Gary, and I agree with your comment above as it usually is the case in about anything. Sort of like the ones who post a picture of a blind man as their reply, who can't see to read, yet state their reason for not reading something as being because it was too long....? What they are really saying is, 'I've never read more than 2 paragraphs of anything because 3 takes too long, so instead I choose to remain ignorant on most written topics that have no pictures to help me along.'

    Here's, the short version of that for Stevie. 'I can't read.'

    Actually I read every word of the post, 95% of it was gibberish . Hence my sarcastic reply.

    Feel free to analyze any of my posts, I like laughing, especially at fools.You've become one of my favourites recently.

    People with strong opinions based on very little knowledge are particularly hilarious, keep up the good work there fella.


  • ShadyShank
    629 Posts
    Thu, Jun 12 2014 5:14 AM

    When has anybody ever said that multis aren't a problem?

    Yes, it's clear that any player here above Pro, and WGT itself, are well aware of the many alt accounts and how they are ruining this site. At least the players care enough to continue bringing it up, in the hopes that something, that has an actual positive effect, is done.

    The problem is, WGT has done so little to fight the problem that, if you have noticed in the past week or so, the bracket & RG tournaments are taking so long to fill up, it's hardly worth signing up for a paid bracket now. I filled the last slot in a TM 18 hole bracket simply because the other 15 players have been waiting a week for round 1 just to begin.

    Warm weather, I'm sure has something to do with this as well, but the more new players that sign up who see others demanding something be done about alt's, the less are going to be so willing to enter a paid tournament. That said, it's the last you'll hear from me on the subject, and I'm making one last post after this to complain about one last thing. After that, I'm done until real changes are made to make this site into what it easily could be.

    And anyone who wants to, is free to look at my spending history since I joined in January, post it, make jokes about it, and say WGT won't miss it. The latter is true, unless 20-30 players who spend a bit stop spending too. This, I believe, is already happening anyway and if WGT thinks it will keep its huge corporate sponsor's & advertisers and have no worries, then they are a lot less forward thinking than I could have ever imagined.

  • ShadyShank
    629 Posts
    Thu, Jun 12 2014 5:59 AM

    People with strong opinions based on very little knowledge are particularly hilarious, keep up the good work there fella.

    And I fully agree with the first part of your comment, especially when strong opinions or sarcastic remarks are made, and the knowledge needed to decide if they should be made or not, exists in the very thread and was supplied by the person your sarcasm is directed at.

    From my very 1st post on the topic- 'I have removed everything but the scores as I am not directly accusing anyone of cheating, but am more curious if others find this to be out of the norm?'-ShadyShank

    After the link to the RG was posted, which I could not locate thru the usual means for reasons still unknown to me.-'1st let me say, obviously, I was mistaken about this particular RG and my apologies for being so.'-ShadyShank

    And 2 quick comments on other things mentioned. One being that the scores being as consistently grouped as they were wouldn't point to alt accounts being the issue. I would argue that they would be, and it would only take enough alts signing up & playing. If you have 25 TL's and L's playing in a TM event, and I know this was not one, why wouldn't you expect to see scores that those tiers shoot consistently?

    'I have removed everything but the scores as I am not directly accusing anyone of cheating.' I also wrote those words because I don't know even a portion of the players here that many do, and it is the very reason I took the names out. I knew, especially with all the glitches and maintenance going on at the time, I could have played in a tier less RG, but since I couldn't find the tournament in my list of finished RG's, it was what I had to go on.

    But, last time. I don't, and did not, wildly accuse a single person of cheating in my post, or any after, which makes it hard for me to believe, Paul, that you did read every word in each of my posts on this topic and in this very thread. I have too much respect for TL's especially, to call any of them out without having 100% certain evidence of something. Even then I would think twice before accusing even a TP of cheating.

  • SRudy
    37 Posts
    Fri, Jun 13 2014 7:30 AM


    TIGERLUTZ1 disconnects after missing his putt to tie. The game ends and shows me losing. Very nice glitch WGT and Tigerlutz1 is a POS!!!

    I've had this happen to me also and always thought it was one of the players doing just what you said but, the other day here is what happened to me.

    I was playing one other person and we were on the last hole and the last putt for both of us, It was my turn to putt, all was fine until I hit the ball and WGT kicked us both to the main screen and said sorry there was an error try again later. I closed out that screen a went back into the game. It was still my putt and as soon as I hit the ball it did it again said there was an error. The next time I went back to the game the person I was playing was no longer there and it was still my putt. Again as soon as I hit the ball it says there was and error but this time when I tried to get back into the game it said I disconnected three times and the game was over.

    I also have experienced starting a game with three other people and on the first or second hole one of us had a loading problem and it would say error try again later and when I would try to restart I would get "you didn't return in time". This happened so many times that I got a yellow completion dot, I don't like that as I don't want people to think I might be quitter and I never quit unless I lose my local internet connection.

    Thanks for letting me vent.