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Re: Connection issues for the last 24 hours

rated by 0 users
Mon, Sep 1 2014 8:09 AM (26 replies)
  • WillyBigg
    2,135 Posts
    Fri, Aug 29 2014 12:06 PM

    My problem initially turned out to be a bad router. It was only keeping me from playing wgt or getting to their site, all other sites worked fine. Several of the top tier tech support at Cox said they had never seen that before. Router was never considered during their trouble shooting because from the trace route it looked ok. I only resorted to bypass the router myself & use only modem as trying to rule out all possibilities. New router which Cox gladly replaced free as still under warranty cured not being able to access game & site. Then a few days later I was getting several disco's per day as my connection was being dropped. I talked Cox into coming & replacing modem (under warranty too). No go with that, actually made it much worse. So they replaced all cables & that did nothing. So on a fluke I said lets bypass router again, yep worked fine. So another new router was what it took. Now several days later & everything seems fine, for now LOL.

    My apologies to wgt for blaming them, I should not have took Cox's excuse as wgt being the problem. Lesson for me, test out everything yourself for peace of mind. Seems a guy needs an extra replacement part for every component to be able to diagnose properly thru trial & error.

  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Fri, Aug 29 2014 12:53 PM

    Thank you for the update Willy!

    One question:  "My problem initially turned out to be a bad router."  The router you mention, is that the Cox wireless router for your home network?

    Could you run that tracert to WGT again to see if you are still going through that carrier in Dallas?

    OK, that was two questions!  LOL

  • WillyBigg
    2,135 Posts
    Fri, Aug 29 2014 2:20 PM

    Your welcome Andy

    The router is a Netgear N300 wireless but it is hardwired to my pc. I had tested our wireless laptop when the these problems started & same thing was happening with it. So ruled out router because surely both wireless & wired would not both go out at the same time. Plus we had no other problem with any other sites.

    Yes tracert shows almost no difference as before, same datapipe thru Dallas. I am seeing four "request timed out" during trace. Those are not affecting me much as no further problems besides the slow loads occasionally which could be heavy traffic.


  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Fri, Aug 29 2014 7:03 PM

    Yours is a very odd problem. 

    Your original router & modem worked with WGT at one time I assume. 

    Then you couldn't connect to but every other site worked fine.

    I wonder what changed?   Did you get a new Cox i-net service?  They bumped mine from 25MB to 50MB recently.

    Anyway you've got all new wiring, a new modem, you're on your 3rd router.

    I got a feeling you're not done yet.  LOL

    After the first new router, a few days later you were getting "several disco's per day as my connection was being dropped."  Can I assume those disconnects were only from WGT and the rest of the i-net was OK. (your Cox service didn't drop)

    I'm  in Arizona on Cox also and I too go through  And its funny I also see those three timeouts before getting to WGT.

    If you still have the original tracert you sent to WGT when you first had the problem I'd love to see it and compare.  Could you post it here or on my wall please?


  • WillyBigg
    2,135 Posts
    Sat, Aug 30 2014 6:59 PM

    This was the original while not being able to connect to Wgt but all other sites were fine.

    What changed & fixed the problem with not being able to connect with wgt was the router replacement.

    No,  the later disco's were the entire net

    Only thing I can think of is Cox keeps these routers & modems in their trucks. I remember a year ago when they replaced my router, the box was hot to touch. If they leave them in the trucks for more then a few weeks, well we all know what heat can do to electronics. Obviously something greatly reduced their lifespan for me to be on my third in a year. I assure you that mine it is not in a closet or other hot spot in my house. I keep it & my modem out in the open with plenty of a/c.

    If I have to purchase a router, it is not going to be Netgear.

    Everything continues to be fine with my connection, I will let you know if that changes.

    I'm in Arkansas

  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Sun, Aug 31 2014 6:09 PM

    Everything continues to be fine with my connection, I will let you know if that changes.

    I hope it stays that way for you Willy!



  • WillyBigg
    2,135 Posts
    Mon, Sep 1 2014 8:09 AM

    Your welcome Andy,  wish I could be of more help.