I have no porblem paying for a good product or service that i want or like. Like many players I buy credits to pay for clubs and balls - I dont have to but I want to - and that makes me a paying customer. In the same way that i can walk past any shop - i dont have to buy their stuff but sometimes i want to and that makes me a paying customer.
WGT for their part in accepting payment in return for goods or services should have the same legal duty to their customer as any high street shop and one of the basic dutuies is that the goods should be fit for purpose and clearly many of their paying customers are disgruntled with the quality of the product that they - want to (not have to)- pay for. It is a discetionary spend on our behalf and if customers are treated badly they generally go else whare.
I for one dont want to see that happen because i really enjoy this game. The only reason i am on the forum right now is because i cannot access the game client again, and this is only 24hrs after paying for 5000 credits.
ApexPC:It costs nothing to play WGT, with the exception of the 2 Tru Golf courses WGT does not own.
Sorry but thats not true. There is the cost of electricity to power a PC, the capital cost of the PC itself, the cost of a braodband connection, the cost of data usage if one is unlucky enough not to have large data usage allowances. In reality there must be paying customers like me for WGT to exist because im sure advertising alone would not make them enough money to operate the game.
I am not the greatest tech head going but i do understand the basics of computers and internet connections. I use many, many online services of different types such as, - Social Media, Online Banking, online bill pay, goverment services such as Revenue, email, online newspapers, concert ticket purchase, hotel booking etc etc but i have never experienced anywhere near the same level of problems with any of of these as i have with WGT, and yet all of these use the same internet as WGT.
ApexPC:We buy balls, clubs, and accessories at our discretion, but do not have to buy anything to play WGT
That is perfectly true but lots of people buy stuff to enhance their enjoyment of the game, these customers do not deserve to be told - thats a bummer- when they cant use the product they paid for