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Re: WGT not REFUNDING the Whole amount after discovering...

Thu, Aug 28 2014 10:59 AM (17 replies)
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  • WilliamRNewmanJr
    4,073 Posts
    Tue, Aug 26 2014 3:40 PM


    I think you should send WGT an email about this problem. You can even post to Shoe or Icon's wall and probably resolve this. Posting on the forum about this is probably the worst way to get problems resolved.

    Thanks Mr. RiskPlayer, I never thought of it.

    Now here is a Nice Fella, and he wasn't trying to make me feel useless. 

    Thanks! And I mean Thanks!


  • mgbirish
    4,019 Posts
    Wed, Aug 27 2014 11:53 AM



    It takes way more than 5 minutes to evaluate a new club - more like 5 days.

    The FAQ Pro Shop section explains that we sell clubs back for 25% of their cost.

    Basically, you ripped yourself off by being a less than fully informed consumer.

    Well Mr. ApexPC,

    I know when I see 2 Apples there are various forms of Apples. No 2 Apples are alike, now is there?

    Well the Same is True for Clubs, Woods & Hybrid, Irons, Putters and Golf Balls. What I got in my Bag works Very well but I saw the Wedge was unlock and I look at it, and thought it was Better Wedge then What I had! NOPE ~ Here's your Sign! STUPID!!! Was How I felt after seeing it up against what I have and it was WORST then any of my Wedges! I got a 100 yds, 85 yds and 60 yds Wedges. With my PW at 110 yards, I got the Perfect set-up. I thought the Wedge I was getting was better then my 85 yard. IT Wasn't even Close!

    So I do Appreciate your Thoughts, Mr ApexPC, but You not on Disability or even drawing a SS Check are you? So Unless you been in my Shoes and walk in my Path for a Mile, then you do not know the PAIN it causes me to know: THAT I CAN NEVER ENJOY THE GAME IN REAL LIFE ANYMORE, but just here and on TV. Sad isn't it?

    So Thanks for sticking your Nose in to my Private Life and making me feel like I'm a TOTALLY USELESS HUMAN BEING!

    Hope you Sleep Well Mr. ApexPC!!!



    Seriously? you do not know how to compare clubs in Pro shop, you should not be the one calling someone stupid, just my 2 Cents! Once you hit the purchase button you own it, I know I have done it before!

    You are the relations Director for your CC? Do you call the members of your CC stupid, if they make a point you disagree with?


  • borntobesting
    9,779 Posts
    Wed, Aug 27 2014 12:24 PM

    First the ATV 64 degree wedge you bought, though not as good as the Z-satin it replaced, is much better than the level 42 Ping 64 degree that you kept. Second unless WGT gives you an undeserved break there is no refund on clubs bought here. There is a sell back feature to sell purchased clubs for 25% of the purchase price. After being here for over 2 years you should know that by now. You didn't buy a club that wasn't better than what you already had you just didn't like it. Sorry but I feel you got just what you deserved. And by the way I play real golf maybe once every 2 months only because I can ride. If i had to walk I couldn't play. I am also playing on my SS check. But i make several credits every day with surveys videos and the like. Try it sometimes!

  • EasyEdward
    13,507 Posts
    Wed, Aug 27 2014 2:41 PM


    I have found WGT to be very fair on most occasions.

    So let me try to explain what happens under two different circumstances:

    1) You click on or somehow otherwise end up purchasing a club you do not want. IF you contact Customer Service right away WGT will (well have amongst my friends anyway)  have taken the club away and give you a full refund in credits.

    2) You purchase a club (intentionally or not) and immediately sell it back in the "sell clubs" options before contacting customer service. You get the 25% back that you agreed to when you clicked submit.

    So my advice....

    Check out this to see if you really want it first:

    ScottHope's Spreadsheet on Clubs


  • ApexPC
    3,164 Posts
    Wed, Aug 27 2014 5:25 PM



    It takes way more than 5 minutes to evaluate a new club - more like 5 days.

    The FAQ Pro Shop section explains that we sell clubs back for 25% of their cost.

    Basically, you ripped yourself off by being a less than fully informed consumer.

    Well Mr. ApexPC,

    I know when I see 2 Apples there are various forms of Apples. No 2 Apples are alike, now is there?

    Well the Same is True for Clubs, Woods & Hybrid, Irons, Putters and Golf Balls. What I got in my Bag works Very well but I saw the Wedge was unlock and I look at it, and thought it was Better Wedge then What I had! NOPE ~ Here's your Sign! STUPID!!! Was How I felt after seeing it up against what I have and it was WORST then any of my Wedges! I got a 100 yds, 85 yds and 60 yds Wedges. With my PW at 110 yards, I got the Perfect set-up. I thought the Wedge I was getting was better then my 85 yard. IT Wasn't even Close!

    So I do Appreciate your Thoughts, Mr ApexPC, but You not on Disability or even drawing a SS Check are you? So Unless you been in my Shoes and walk in my Path for a Mile, then you do not know the PAIN it causes me to know: THAT I CAN NEVER ENJOY THE GAME IN REAL LIFE ANYMORE, but just here and on TV. Sad isn't it?

    So Thanks for sticking your Nose in to my Private Life and making me feel like I'm a TOTALLY USELESS HUMAN BEING!

    Hope you Sleep Well Mr. ApexPC!!!



    I said nothing about your private life. When I posted for all I knew you were a 20 year old stud.

    I can still play real golf but choose to do other things with my time instead. 

    I too draw a monthly Social Security check. 

    You have my sympathies regarding your circumstances. 

    And thank you, I do sleep well at night. At least as well as men my age can sleep at night.




  • srellim234
    2,077 Posts
    Thu, Aug 28 2014 9:44 AM

    William - I see you are still carrying on in other threads about this issue but have you done what you need to do to get a full refund?

    You say you could return something quickly to a pro shop and get a full refund. Not if you don't actually engage someone in customer service at the pro shop in order to get that refund. If you walk in and return the club by just sticking it on the shelf you will get nothing.

    WGT's automated system that you apparently used to return your purchase is designed for players to sell no longer used equipment, not return equipment. No Human being at WGT was even aware that you wanted to return an item purchased in error for a refund. The automated system only knew you wanted to sell something and gave you the appropriate "depreciated" price. 

    Think of it like buying a car. Drive it off the lot and it depreciates tremendously. If you trade it in the day after you buy it they're not going to give you what you paid for it. If you want to get your full purchase price back you have to actually talk to them and explain why. This is no different.

    The forums are not the customer service department. Instead of continuing to post things in the forums that will get you nowhere, follow the advice and send them an email. Give customer service a few days (they are busy, after all) to review the transactions and check the timing on them. Once that is verified WGT may well refund the rest of the purchase price. Give them a chance and go through proper channels.

  • ISH47
    1,963 Posts
    Thu, Aug 28 2014 10:14 AM

    The forums are not the customer service department. Instead of continuing to post things in the forums that will get you nowhere, follow the advice and send them an email. Give customer service a few days (they are busy, after all) to review the transactions and check the timing on them. Once that is verified WGT may well refund the rest of the purchase price. Give them a chance and go through proper channels.


    Dude, If you were respectful about the whole thing and made your case directly to CS they might have thrown you a bone. This whole thing was your own fault. Before you completed the transaction it told you exactly how many credits you would get for selling the club back.. but you did it anyway. No one ripped you off.. and you're not the only one here who's living on a fixed income.

  • fatdan
    3,379 Posts
    Thu, Aug 28 2014 10:59 AM

    LOL, Thanks for the reminder, I bought a TM 110 wedge for CTTH's to fill that gap without checking it out and it sucked...I paid 695 credits and used it 1 day about 10 months ago...can I please have my money back too?

    If WGT does not refund me FULL price, I willlll, aaaa I will, well I will sell it at the cheap price as I forgot I even had it, BUT rest assured I won't be happy with myself thanks to you guys!!!!

    Bill Bill Bill, would you care to take a guess how many folks playing here have a disability, or live on their SS check?

    I read your post the other night as my disabled wife was having a very bad night and kept me up most of it, when you went to the "feel sorry for me approach" it really p!ssed me off, while I am very sympathetic to your condition as I am fortunate to be of decent health, my wife isn't, if you can even see a computer and sit up to play this game consider your situation somewhat of a blessing, it could be much worse as it is here...the only entertainment she gets from this site is listening to me b!tch about about this shot, that putt, and storm off into the kitchen to compose myself....during one rant she asked "Don't you turn 15 next month", it was my birthday....#&&%^*# #%$$^ *#&&$^%, and that's all I saying about her!

    Lastly while playing with 550 credit balls might be reason enough for wgt to consider your request, 550 balls on such a tight budget, really! Seems a little fishy to me, I remember being on a very tight, well actually suffocating budget many years ago, and eating bologna and crackers most of the time...

    I hope you get your full refund, I really do! And mine too!!! But lose the sympathy card, it's not cool!!!

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