I recently purchased a Wedge that I thought was better then what I had. After going into my Equipment and looking at where to put it in my Wedge section, I discover the Differences was not any improvements what-so-ever!
Now In less then 5 minutes [Purchase to checking it out to returning it to WGT] After paying 695 Credits I only gotten 195 Credits back. To me , this is a RIP OFF!
I can go to a Golf Pro Shop and after I purchase an Item and not SATISFY, I return it to the Pro Shop, and Get my money back in FULL! They rather have me coming back making other Purchases then to have a Customer go out and by word of Mouth, the Shop will lose Business and eventually Close.
But WGT must make amends to this issues and Promptly refund my other 500 credits. Its hard enough to find $5 to put into this Game off my Social Security Check.
I'm Disable and cannot ever play Real Life Golf anymore. This site is my way of Playing, like it was a real life Game. In allot of ways it is, but its a PC World, not the 100% feeling on a Real Life Experience.
WGT Please refund my Credits!
Thanks and God Bless you all!