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Re: *** Downtime tonight 8/27/14 ***

Sun, Aug 31 2014 1:33 PM (56 replies)
  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Fri, Aug 29 2014 4:28 PM

    No edits, no highlights (save one which seemed fair), no "putting words in your mouth, just plain simple stuff.


    You want to give it the same accuracy as the most accurate Irons


    Me too, to those with great timing and cheats with software.
     Even an italics on bold, good work.


    What assumption was there deserving of bold, caps, italics and so many exclamation marks?  That those with great timing and cheats with software would like high accuracy and low forgiveness?  Hmmm.  To clarify anyway it was an opinion, you do the assumptions.  

    I suppose the other caps and bold are at least mostly your own so I'll stop at two, although you suggest they refer to what I "say".

    Teams (football) DO NOT play on muddy pitches like they used to.  Reason is it is not a test of skill  like a good pitch.

    "The pitch at Villa Park is 98% sand and because of that, you don’t get that dirt or waterlogging"

    You are completely right there are no muddy pitches now and the skilful teams are flourishing, like Villa.  That flowing actractive football is a joy to behold, no getting all your men behind the ball, punting up the field when you've got it, and playing for 0-0 at home.  You've convinced me, sorry I was so stupid.

    Yes it's terrible of me to wish for a 3wd with the same or less forgiveness than than the one I have.

    Most of all yes anything 

    that's not wanted here IMO..
    (although that maybe should be IYO now, but I'd hate to change it, quoting part of a sentence was bad enough)  I would have put the whole sentence in but I couldn't bear more muddy water, is it a fixation or a phobia you have?

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Fri, Aug 29 2014 7:38 PM

    Me too, to those with great timing and cheats with software.
     Even an italics on bold, good work.


    What assumption was there deserving of bold, caps, italics and so many exclamation marks?  That those with great timing and cheats with software would like high accuracy and low forgiveness?  Hmmm.  To clarify anyway it was an opinion, you do the assumptions.

    Now was that half a a concession..hmm 

    I will say that statements like that allude, at the very least when some one new reads, to if I can't do it then they must be cheating,  This is not the case in any overall way minimum.  

    Simply put a player with a low dist to pin versus a player with say 16 foot dist to pin will usually win, and can can get there with out the use of any cheating.  Something that needs to be emphasised.  

    You are completely right there are no muddy pitches now and the skilful teams are flourishing

    Finally:)  Pretty hard to refute with the millions spent on lights, soil, grasses and videos showing it..

    like Villa

    Not a great big club, and struggle with squad size over a season usually, but teams like that able to compete well enough game to game is what makes the premiership spectacular.

    quoting part of a sentence was bad enough)

    I would have put the whole sentence in but I couldn't bear more muddy water, is it a fixation or a phobia you have?

    So finally down to talking quoting only now, substance gone completely.

    Only ever about two points really:

    Now ever so carefully, without wishing to take words out of your mouth or assuming too much, you clarified my suggested club would need great timing (I will not develop a cheat discussion here apart from saying some SW seen in these forums looks to take the game apart anyway if they work).  

    1. Skill testing equipment I personally support.  I support a new 3W with greater precision (one that does not wander as often), but with the skill test in place.

    2. Your thought's perhaps on why a game levelling easier to use club that you would buy would be good for this game?  

    Or you just fancy a straight up easier club.  Longer, higher spin, lazier action yet same high loft, large large sweet spot / perceived precision 3W as what you have.  No risk v reward possible downside at all to be included, and you don't consider that bad for the game?

    Only a 3W, but even so in RGs x1 chance of yard closer one hole and all that is enough to make people spend....





  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Sat, Aug 30 2014 3:12 PM

    Here we go again, I will try to do just as want this time and also do my best to avoid any irony as it only leads to confusion. 


    Me too, to those with great timing and cheats with software.
     Even an italics on bold, good work.


    What assumption was there deserving of bold, caps, italics and so many exclamation marks?  That those with great timing and cheats with software would like high accuracy and low forgiveness?  Hmmm.  To clarify anyway it was an opinion, you do the assumptions.

    Now was that half a a concession..hmm 

    No, it was supposed to be a isn't this just obvious hmmm.

    I will say that statements like that allude, at the very least when some one new reads, to if I can't do it then they must be cheating,  This is not the case in any overall way minimum.

    No! it is not meant this way and I don't think it reads this way either.  I know and state that both groups exist.  I have said elsewhere there are many better players than me, just stop it.  The bold and italics were yours remember, (is that why the weird bold and italics on the and), you are incredibly manipulative of other peoples words. Your last sentence is beyond me ,ok it is not the case I agree but minimum what?  Probably another accusation.

    1. Also in general you were again changing what I said by putting stresses in particular places with some, albeit fairly mystifying (or maybe not), use of caps bold and italics.  The bold, vastly over punctuated and sized BIG ASSUMPTION!!!!!! seemed to me totally excessive and even random.

    2. Perhaps the main point is you think firstly I made a big assumption and later (half?) a concession, presumably the latter referred to the assumption.  

    All that really happened here was you said you thought clubs with high accuracy and low forgiveness would sell and I replied "me too, to those with great timing and cheats with software".  I'm sure we agree so far, only on what was said by both of us I mean.

    Yes, I did mean what I said though it was an opinion not an assumption.  I do think that a club as described would mainly attract these two groups.  I dare say there may be some without either great timing or cheating software that think the potential reward is worth the risk.  There would also be some of the best players, that I assume (there’s an assumption) are generally on or close to the ding, that will decide that the risk is not worth it.  I would tend to suggest (very much opinion) the latter would be a fairly large group.   The group guaranteed to hit the ding would have no downside to this club, but apparently we’re not to talk about that, important as this club you've invented being great for cheats may be.  What precisely am I “admitting” here, having an opinion? 


    quoting part of a sentence was bad enough)

    I would have put the whole sentence in but I couldn't bear more muddy water, is it a fixation or a phobia you have?

    Why did you split that, what is it meant to show? I'd like to think it was a bit of humour but I really don't know so I'll skip to your numbered points/questions, I'll call the last paragraph (3).


    1. Skill testing equipment I personally support.  I support a new 3W with greater precision (one that does not wander as often), but with the skill test in place.

    2. Your thought's perhaps on why a game levelling easier to use club that you would buy would be good for this game?  

    Or you just fancy a straight up easier club.  Longer, higher spin, lazier action yet same high loft, large large sweet spot / perceived precision 3W as what you have.  No risk v reward possible downside at all to be included, and you don't consider that bad for the game?

    1. I didn't start this saying there shouldn't be such a club though I have since pointed out who I think are the main groups that will benefit from it.

    2. You are almost funny, my post of this in it's entirety was: "I could live with the 4.5 precision. 3.5, or even 3, forgiveness would make it must have for me.  Lower standards I suppose."  

    So I say that this is what I would like, I say even 3 forgiveness and I admit to lower standards.  What could any reasonable person object to in this. I'm saying I'd forgo the extra .5 precision for an extra .5 forgiveness.  I do mention 1 extra forgiveness too but as I say I'll take .5 this is largely irrelevant. 

    I know that moral high ground is where you naturally belong (oops) but pretty much all the clubs/balls (including the one's you have) WGT sell are "game levelling".  We should all play with starters and pay a monthly fee?  WGT sell equipment to allow the players (all of them) to play the game better and therefor enjoy it more I'd think that's what keeps the majority of folk playing and spending .  If they only make clubs I can't hit with, and although I'm not near the best at this game I'm not one of the worst either, what do you think I'd do?

    So in brief if there were to be upgrades on the new 3wd and one has 5 precision and another had 3 forgiveness I'd buy the latter.  I wouldn't say the other shouldn't exist I don't really care if 52's become 50's or whatever.  You do care deeply that my 60 becomes a 58 for some reason though.  Do remember any club I can buy you (for instance) can buy too.

    (3)  The answer is more a yes than a no.  Yes I want a better club but it wouldn't necessarily have all the things you listed, did you manage a wee bit of sarcasm there?

    What  I always try to do when I get a new club is to get one that's better for me than the one it's replacing, I call it an upgrade (oops).  For my 3wd I think I'd buy a new one that was 5yds longer and otherwise the same as my current one.  I would maybe eventually buy one that is 5yds longer and has .5 less forgiveness but I am not confident enough to lose a full point.  I could even get the level 73 Callaway x2 with at 240yds has more forgiveness and a slower meter than mine (or I could moan these level 73 players were getting a club that makes them as good as me) but I wouldn't want to drop to 4 precision (lol).  We all have what ratings we would like our clubs to have, some more realistic than others. I don't think my wish list was as absurd as you seem to.  

     Sorry I wish I was as good as you but I'm just not.

    I really am finished with this now and hope to get muddy fields out of my head one day, I will do a short post after this, it's only to show (maybe slightly exaggerate, I'll see how it goes) what if feels like to have what I write adulterated by you.  Enjoy the last word, I'm sure you generally do.

  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Sat, Aug 30 2014 3:19 PM

     to those with great timing and cheats 

    good work

    if I can't do it then they must be cheating

    I will
    can can
    Pretty hard to refute with the millions spent on lights
    and videos showing it..

    my suggested club would need
    a cheat


    Sorry I just can't bear to throw in any more punctuation.  I know you think I was complaining for no reason but it did feel like you were doing something like that.

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Sat, Aug 30 2014 7:16 PM

    I will
    can can
    Pretty hard to refute with the millions spent on lights
    and videos showing it..

    Suddenly you are not against lifting words, and bolding them.  "Irked" you before.

    get muddy fields out of my head one day,

    Sure you will be fine.  Technology solved the problem years ago.


    Look.  If an easier to hit long club came on the market we would all buy it.  I really do not think the game needs it that's all.

    BTW I never said you can't talk about cheating, as not my place, I just can't be A$$ed with it as SO many threads on it.  From what I have seen in these forums currently available SW (if it works) can take this game apart anyway.  

    You are obviously quite entitled to say you would be all over the current L89 if it had more forgiveness. I am not some top player cleaning up in RGs and have better days than others in anything I play, but I enjoy testing to the extent I play and feel equipment is long since easy enough.  

    All only view point's either way and WGT will decide.  

    I admit I only skimmed your last but one post.  Anyway point's all made, and now exhausted..

  • fmagnets
    3,640 Posts
    Sat, Aug 30 2014 8:30 PM

    I'm with Jim. I'm pretty sure that precision comes into play with dings and misses, whereas forgiveness only comes into play with misses. So I'd rather have more precision to affect both my good and bad shots, rather than forgiveness which only affects the bad ones. 

  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Sun, Aug 31 2014 1:33 PM

    (Sorry, I too think this is exhausted but I couldn't let 

    Suddenly you are not against lifting words, and bolding them.  "Irked" you before.

    pass without a comment.) 

    Are you serious? I hope not.  It was with the muddy fields bit you (mis)quoted.  Good choice of lines to repost though, it was my favourite bit.

    All I did was say I'd like the extra .5 on forgiveness rather than precision, for me.  

    The cheating thing, I too think is probably over emphasised but I was talking about it in relation to your idea of a very unforgiving long and accurate 3wd.  The type of software that's been described/advertised recently sounds like it would always/usually successfully ding such a club when relatively few honest players could.  I think that's relevant. 

    Fmagnets, If I had half your ability I'd rather have it on precision too, and I have never suggested such a club is a bad idea.  If the 3wd I wanted was available it wouldn't close the gap in scores between us, I don't think a miss hit 3wd with 3 forgiveness would go very close.  It may make the game a little more fun for those with less skill. WGT probably like the lesser skilled players buying equipment too.

    I realise this has got to be daft and I promise no more posts until, jimbog misquotes someone.