YankeeJim:Legends' default green speed is Tournament. TM default is also Tournament but not the same, correct?
That is my understanding...
YankeeJim:How do you know which Tournament speed you are playing in RGs and what is the default speed when Legends and TMs hook up?
Good question, maybe someone from WGT can explain - anyone???
YankeeJim:I have played Legends in multi format and don't see a difference in the speed for me. Does the Legend?
Couldn't tell you, I haven't played any multi player games in a few months.
To tell you the truth I think it's a little bit screwed up that the
default green speed for both tiers is called "Tournament", unless of
course the speed is the same and the post by WGTadmin2 on 9/3 is just
I'm just as confused as you. The only thing we have to go by is what WGT stated on 9/3. It would be nice if they would either rename the default green speed for one of the tiers or define what "tournament" speed means when playing RG's & MP.