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Re: Issues with sending and receiving invites

Fri, Mar 27 2015 9:23 AM (145 replies)
  • stevepsheehan
    2,791 Posts
    Thu, Mar 26 2015 5:17 AM

    I'm no expert at this coding lark, but for what it's worth, I think WGT are stuck between a rock and a hard place with these on going problems.

    As I see it, the problems stem from the very beginning; the original game was released long before it was ever fully developed or tested, and from then on, every single add-on, change, fix, repair etc has been like a sticking plaster, but the underlying program has always remained flawed.

    Now, there are just SO many odd little fixes in place, that it's impossible to alter one bit of coding, without it have unforeseen effects in other parts of the game, rather like a game of Jenga.

    A good example of this was a few weeks back, when they did "something", and suddenly, everyone was reporting the smoothest meters they'd ever had; unfortunately, that had detrimental effects on the putting dots, so they had to back track, and whilst the dots improved somewhat, the meter has reverted to normal, ie jittery.

    I may be wrong - I'd really like to be wrong - but I don't think they will ever get the game working the way WE would like it to, without a complete rebuild from the ground up, which is something that COULD be happening somewhere in the background, but somehow I doubt it  :-(


  • Tightrope
    1,072 Posts
    Thu, Mar 26 2015 5:37 AM

    They have a critical issue, business critical and in general critical. They've had it for almost three months. They don't seriously try to fix it. I see that as a good sign they are going out of business. Who, who runs a company that want to survive, would allow a business critical bug,  that affects millions of customers, be still in effect after three months?

    And no, it is not rocket science. I have provided them with examples, offered them to monitor my (reproducible) failed invite attempts and so on. They don't care much about us or  about this issue. So should we. We don't really need this game anyway.

    Incompetence at all levels of management.

  • markone56
    528 Posts
    Thu, Mar 26 2015 5:57 AM

    Hi folks!

    I read last posts from Cas57, MBaggese, Tightrope.

    Please permit me to comment your "kind" words toward WGT.

    Despite your appreciable comprehension toward WGT, I believe that this be wrong.

    As I already said in some recent previous posts (being I an IT engineer) is really funny to suppose that WGT engineers are searching for a little "I" or "L" between thousands of thousands of millions of characters which compose the whole WGT code (just to understand: 1400 characters are needed just to create an "Hello world!" page...).

    WGT code is composed by a very very very huge number of lines and characters.

    It's funny to believe that WGT engineers are searching for some little hidden error.

    The faults of WGT (if any) are other, this is principally two:

    1) have not implemented a very simple restore-path (as all us IT engineers do in case of crash);

    2) keeps evasive towards our requests, this is: why WGT don't communicates to us what its engineer are doing step-by-step to solve the troubles which her is encountering?

    I know - between other things - that flash technology is no more supported by Adobe because HTML5 code will substitute it.

    Maybe WGT engineer is working on this "migration" between codes?

    Why WGT doesn't communicates this fact (if so)?

    Why WGT keeps all us in the "shadow"?

    Do not condone the WGT behaviour with ridiculous assumptions, please.

    WGT remain the best platform in which play golf simulation on the whole web.

    But that can't be a reason to absolve the Company from its own faults.

    That is.

  • ZioMio
    4,680 Posts
    Thu, Mar 26 2015 7:43 AM


    btw, does anyone know where those videos are that showed how WGT maps the courses using photography, video, helicopters, lasers, etc?


  • Cas57
    3,040 Posts
    Thu, Mar 26 2015 4:45 PM

    Edit @ 5:38pm PDT.....the first video didn't show up on my screen right away and yes, that's one of them!  Thanks for posting it.  It's very informative about what it takes to recreate the courses we play on this game. If someone thinks it would be an easy fix or just a restore back to a certain point, I doubt it in either of those cases.

    To the people that took the little time to find the little L, I'm sure it may have been similar to what's going on but more than likely, not even close.

    Yea, I agree there should probably be a little more communication but there doesn't seem to be any more than what's already been given?

  • mel1950
    2,887 Posts
    Fri, Mar 27 2015 9:23 AM

    Ohhh!!! Come on!!! The last "Fix " that WGT did was to put a patch!!! which all it did was to change the speed of the dots on the green!!!!

    If all they can do is add "Patches"here and there then its a poor show from WGT.....

    What this game needs is at least a two week shut-down to really, really have a look at the whole system!!!!! 

    There is NO quick fix here... This problem is bigger than WGT is letting on..

    It revolves around their move into 'Mobile" games!!

    At this present moment in time they are not concerned with the MAIN game on PC'S.....

    Mobile systems is where the money is!!!

    I really think, at this moment in time , it's a case of take it or leave it... The choice is your's.... WGT are not going to change!!!!!!
