YJ, I agree with you on green wedges but if they were all about the rules they would not have WGTIcon citing the One Ball Condition as a reason for not being able to replace balls and clubs in practice or balls only in low level competitions and country club tournaments where WGT should not be the self appointed committee.
As far as the drop issue, if they had the rules and a better experience for the customer in their interest they could merely create a drop zone every 150 yards on each hole along with one near the green. As a lost ball is replaced a popup could simply give a choice of shot and distance, standard drop (use at your own risk, lol) or use drop zone.
You and I have both been around the game long enough to know they won't do these things because they don't want to put more choices in the game, they don't want to deal with any more programming that might screw up the game worse than it is now and they want to drive ball sales. Staying true to real life rules might have been a noble goal when the game started but no more.