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Re: Lateral mouse movement adjusting power meter

Tue, Dec 21 2010 11:48 AM (28 replies)
  • madjack33
    1 Posts
    Thu, Dec 16 2010 6:21 AM

    it would be nice if the power control was a lot finer. maybe a scaling across the power barfor each club

  • StoneColdKiller
    76 Posts
    Thu, Dec 16 2010 4:35 PM

    Still i've only experienced sticky/jitter w/putter.....just saying.;)

    That might be because while putting,  we're more careful on getting exact feet so we do it more slowly, more regularly. (not saying we don't on irons, but drivers, usually just blast them don't we?)

    Some of you still don't seem to believe or understand the change. Here's the change as simplified as possible: Click and drag left adds power (try it). Did it EVER do that before?

    Vertical (straight up) still does add power, but with that sticky affect.    Up-and-right, does the skippy-elastic-band affect, power drops and adds in a funky way, making it hard to adjust.

    'Maybe easier for laptop touch pad users?'  Andyson, I have always been a laptop touchpad user, and no, it's more difficult this way as i have discussed in my first post in this thread.. And yes, consider the change as 'confirmed'. 

    I agree with bolloxinbruge's suggestion. :)



  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Thu, Dec 16 2010 6:17 PM

    Andyson, I have always been a laptop touchpad user, and no, it's more difficult this way as i have discussed in my first post in this thread.

    Ok, thanks.

    So WGTicon or Sky, why was this change made?

  • pricehcs
    288 Posts
    Thu, Dec 16 2010 6:39 PM

    LOL at Jake - funny stuff.  I'm on the list.  I noticed this a bit since the update, but didn't pay too much attention to it until it was pointed out - was blaming the superhuman strength and reaction time of the fast twitch muscles in my hand (lol).  Once you become aware of it, the pain in the butt factor jumps quite a bit when you're trying to be precise on those 90-99% shots...

  • oneputtdavid
    1,337 Posts
    Thu, Dec 16 2010 8:58 PM


    Still i've only experienced sticky/jitter w/putter.....just saying.;)

    That might be because while putting,  we're more careful on getting exact feet so we do it more slowly, more regularly. (not saying we don't on irons, but drivers, usually just blast them don't we?)

    Some of you still don't seem to believe or understand the change. Here's the change as simplified as possible: Click and drag left adds power (try it). Did it EVER do that before?

    Stone Cold' are obsoletely correct with your evaluation. Not until I read your post did I notice it with other then the putter. I assumed it was the "demons" sneaking back into the meter. I'd always (with my mouse), drag straight-up to the power I wanted before release.(but since the update seemed my arm wasn't long enough to reach full power) lol  

    I've since changed to 1-3inch vertical 80-90 degree horizontal (left) to reach desired power. Made a huge difference in meter control. Will take a bit of time to fully trust the change.

    Haven't discerned weather drag left adds power, all I know is I don't need a "extendo" arm.

    Probably should elaborate that I play w/laptop, wireless mouse sitting in my leather lazyboy while watching TV. Sound familiar to anyone? lol

    Anyway, thanx for the insight.  


  • Hef111
    358 Posts
    Thu, Dec 16 2010 11:43 PM

    completely agree with BnB, Stone cold and others, especially with putting for me - others that don't notice it must have different natural movements with mouse when setting power setting (I think I was naturally moving up and right before letting go).  quite hard to get used to - hope we get some at least acknowledgement of change by WGT and a fix like BnB suggests or revert to old movement patterns

    thanks for starting this thread

  • AHudd
    104 Posts
    Mon, Dec 20 2010 2:02 PM

    Bump! Any word on if things will go back to the old way or at least give the option?

  • Broohar
    299 Posts
    Mon, Dec 20 2010 2:33 PM

    Well I haven't noticed it but this is probably because I am using my left hand since my right is screwed and i am having enough troubles just getting it to co-operate lol.

  • KeIIy
    25 Posts
    Tue, Dec 21 2010 11:48 AM

    ... and I thought my mouse or pc was acting up. Gave it a good cleaning, reinstalled the drivers, no difference. Went out and bought a new one for $100.00, same ****.  

      This game should open a web page IMMEDIATELY after an update to notifiy users of any changes so we are all aware.  We can't be spending all day troubleshooting hardware and browsing forums for solutions...