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Lateral mouse movement adjusting power meter

Tue, Dec 21 2010 11:48 AM (28 replies)
  • BolloxInBruges
    1,389 Posts
    Tue, Dec 14 2010 6:54 PM

    Can you please make this an optional feature.  It is causing me a lot of frustration on shots where I need to use less that full power.

  • mefitz
    372 Posts
    Tue, Dec 14 2010 7:44 PM

    I was showing a friend WGT the other day on his lap top. The first thing I noticed (having hardly ever used one) was that the power was easy to set, and it stayed where I put it with the touch-pad.

    I would think that there would be a touch-pad available to hook up to a desk-top for the same results. No balancing act to set and/or hold the desired amount of power.

    I also didn`t see any of the usual jumpy/sticking meter bar when adjusting the power. Maybe laptops have the advantage ;-)

  • StoneColdKiller
    76 Posts
    Wed, Dec 15 2010 12:32 AM

    Hmmm, I have always played without a mouse on the touchpad of my laptop, and i can attest that it is indeed sticky and requires me to go up and left with my swing to adjust power.

    On a laptop touchpad, the natural angle for the right handed players once he/she holds down the click (for swinging) is with the right hand index finger going up and slightlty right, so it doesn't make sense to me that i have to go up n left with it which just doesn't feel right.

    I might get used to it, but i agree with bollie, could this be changed back to pre-latest-update or at least be optional?

  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Wed, Dec 15 2010 3:43 AM

    Bollie, are you talking about the "rubber-band" effect I've noticed on the power bar?  Since the update is seems there is some tension in the backswing where the meter seems to pull back against any movement to the left.

    If that's it, I agree on adding an option to turn it on/off.  It does cause problems for me setting power on shots less then full power.

  • BriRock
    148 Posts
    Wed, Dec 15 2010 7:10 AM

    Maybe i'm a bit meter moves the same...whether i move my mouse left, or up, and i do not see any "pull back" on the meter itself...perhaps i'm missing what you all are referring to...i just played a few holes...only dragging my mouse left over the power meter, never actually getting above it into the course portion of the screen, and nothing seems to be any different...enlighten me.

  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Wed, Dec 15 2010 8:11 AM

    Its hard to describe.  The power line gets jittery around the 90 to 95% area of the meter.

    Its not truly consistent either but I can get it either moving the mouse right to left on the bar, or up and down in the course portion as I make a backswing.

  • b0geybuster
    2,574 Posts
    Wed, Dec 15 2010 8:29 AM


    Its hard to describe.  The power line gets jittery around the 90 to 95% area of the meter.

    Its not truly consistent either but I can get it either moving the mouse right to left on the bar, or up and down in the course portion as I make a backswing.

    I noticed this as well, thought it as me!



  • BriRock
    148 Posts
    Wed, Dec 15 2010 8:37 AM

      The power line gets jittery around the 90 to 95% area of the meter.

    I believe i see what you are describing...although to me its more of a help than a hurt...i like how the meter becomes harder to pull back (towards full power) when you get near the top seems to make it easier to settle the line on a certain % (96, 94, etc)...unless of course this is not what your are talking about, and i've gone and smoked too much crystal meth again and am seeing things that aren't really happens.

  • oneputtdavid
    1,337 Posts
    Wed, Dec 15 2010 12:11 PM


    Its hard to describe.  The power line gets jittery around the 90 to 95% area of the meter.

    Its not truly consistent either but I can get it either moving the mouse right to left on the bar, or up and down in the course portion as I make a backswing.

    I've noticed jittery "rubber band" effect with my using 15 @ 5ft pw. Also noticed the "5ft" gauge is not consistent in length with avatar movement.  


  • StoneColdKiller
    76 Posts
    Wed, Dec 15 2010 2:14 PM

    It's not about power, or putter, or feet, or chips. I just tested it in detail.They have changed the dynamics of how the meter used to work:

    Previously, if you clicked and dragged straight up or diagnol up-right or diagnol up-left, it would add power.

    Now, If you click and drag left, it adds power. If you click and drag it straight up, add powers in a sticky/jittery way. If you click and drag diagnol up-right, it jitters and jumps up n down (less-power-to-more-power) like it got confused.

    Same goes for decreasing power.

    Hope that explains it. I don't like it, your comments?