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Re: Unfixed and New Bugs after Release 7/30/15

Thu, Aug 13 2015 7:44 PM (149 replies)
  • Axman86
    4 Posts
    Sat, Aug 8 2015 9:42 AM

    Agree - here is an idea - quit screwing with the game.  Every time you add something it screws up the game.  Multiple disconnects on every game I've played this week

  • LuxMoto
    324 Posts
    Mon, Aug 10 2015 4:25 AM

    Don't know how to make a new post, so I use this road. Most problems from last week seems to be restored, Forward camera is back, game running good again, thank you for fixing that.

    However a  new issue showed up:  I can't enter the new weekly tournaments, They started a few hours ago, and run till next monday, but when I want to enter those tournaments it says; this tournament is now closed for new entries.    ?????   Why? They started 3 hours ago, and run for the next 7 days. I would like to play those tournaments.

  • alosso
    21,092 Posts
    Thu, Aug 13 2015 8:37 AM

    Let me add two bugs to the list:

    - Missing Flags,

    - game window stuck in replays after EXIT. Always have to x out the window.
    Some reports here.


  • 11BC2
    555 Posts
    Thu, Aug 13 2015 8:50 AM

    Played 3 games to "test" the waters.  2 CTTH ReadyGo's the meter was fine on holes 1-4, however, after that I had the same old Flash Memory Leaks.  I continued each game to completion w/out saving and restarting because I wanted to see if things would mellow out or continue to degrade.

    Unfortunately they continued downhill.  Keep in mind I even changed my ball to a "slower meter" too, however, that didn't make a difference with the meter.  Still all kinds of screwy and no hope of hitting consistent shots.

    My 3rd game was an ALT game and that went even worse.  After 7 holes I was sky rocketing at 675,000 plus (CTTH was about the same after 9 holes). 

    Conclusion?  Better equipment and better balls makes absolutely no difference.  The meter and Flash memory leaks are still very real and makes the game uplayable.  I'll be back in 2-3 more weeks and see if any changes have been made (unless I see updates in the forum).  As of right now $hit is still absolutely dismal.

  • BuffaloBilly6734
    207 Posts
    Thu, Aug 13 2015 8:55 AM

    Couldn't rejoin a AS game.

    noticed my opponent had disconnected and was being taken back to the lobby to wait so decided to reboot my browser  as it was becoming sluggish and looked like it was about to crash with the white screen with the circle in the center. 

    When i hit the continue button nothing happened , tried again and got an error message.Tried 3 times but it happened every time. couldnt submit a bug as the right click didnt work also

    Im using Maxthon/beta v4.4.7.600  


  • Slaytanlc
    45 Posts
    Thu, Aug 13 2015 10:50 AM

    There is a pattern with almost every game I play. Example from 15 minutes ago. St Andrews back 9 stroke game. Start out well with 3 straight birds to begin. 4th hole the continue button between holes never loads. Close page, re open, continue game. Now I get the 99% load error, where it just goes to 99 and stops,  Re log again, keeps on until I get 3 DCs. So I'm just wasting balls trying to complete a game, and I doubt I will be able to at this point.

  • SPINO1
    5,394 Posts
    Thu, Aug 13 2015 11:43 AM


    It was way before that Bubbs. 2012 was the last time this game was great. Then wgt's greed kicked in and it's been getting progressively worse ever since.

    Round about the last time we heard anything from Chad lol


  • alosso
    21,092 Posts
    Thu, Aug 13 2015 1:22 PM

    There is a pattern with almost every game I play. [...] Re log again, keeps on until I get 3 DCs.

    There should not be a DC count in solo games, should it?

  • pearljammmmer
    4,268 Posts
    Thu, Aug 13 2015 7:26 PM

    Might as well add what just happened with me - two player stroke play at Bethpage, we're on the 14th hole, both of us have been disconnected so far, he is disconnected for the 3rd time, but when it does eventually show "disconnected" next to his name the screen remains up, it goes to "shadow" mode or whatever it's called.

    So I wait a couple minutes, then have no choice but to exit and come back. But there's nothing to come back to. We both got "dumped".

    Used to be at least one of the players could keep going, if not both, only not together for the rest of the game. So we played 14 holes for nothing.

    Seems like the fewer players in a game, the better.




  • TonyPhil
    74 Posts
    Thu, Aug 13 2015 7:44 PM

    Sorry if this was already mentioned, but the new chrome soft 250 credit balls are bugged. Let me explain. Most of the time, this ball acts exactly like the old hex chrome 250 credit ball that it is basically designed after - just renamed. This means it acts correctly. However, sometimes the ball acts like a starter ball - horrible with no height and no spin. I don't know what makes it act like this sometimes, but it's extremely frustrating and kills my scores.