I have spent most of my day today trying to get switched over from my old All-in-One computer to a new high speed computer that I recently purchased for roughly $1,200. I have encountered a problem trying to get on WGT tho. It seems that the only web browser that allows me access to WGT that is on my computer is Google Chrome - and I hate Google Chrome (WGT meter is all jumpy and unreliable on Google Chrome).
I would much rather use Firefox or Maxthon as my browser for WGT. The problem is I KNOW that there is a program that I have to have installed on my Firefox or Maxthon browser that allows me access to WGT but for the life of me I can't recall the name of that program. Can anyone here help with this?
As it is now, when I try to get onto WGT using my Firefox browser I have to search for WGT online and then when I get to WGT it doesn't recognize me and I'm taken to a new account or login webpage. When I try to logon the space on the far left of the page where one would log in is blank - not there at all. And I know that I have to have a specific program installed on this new computer which allows me to log on to WGT but I simply can't recall what it is. Anyone have any suggestions? Thanks