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Re: Help - Be2 Scam

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Sun, Jul 17 2011 4:17 AM (19 replies)
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  • TC9495
    1,219 Posts
    Thu, Jun 16 2011 8:16 AM

    I then phoned my credit card company and was told to write to their Retail disputes dept. and sent the following;

    Dear Sirs,

    Further to my telephone conversation with one of your advisors, I would like to dispute the payment made to on Wednesday 2nd February 2011. Furthermore I would like to insist that no further payments are made to from my account.


    On Wednesday 2nd February 2011 I signed up for a free 7 day trial with which was linked through the golf gaming website and their partner Trialpay. Two days later I cancelled my membership with Be2 and thought that was the end of it. However I have since found out that Be2 charged my credit card immediately on 2nd February despite it being a so-called free offer. I have looked on the website but can now not find details of the offer which “mysteriously” seems to have been withdrawn. There are also no longer any details of the offer on the website of


    I have enclosed copies of’s Terms & Conditions and my membership cancellation confirmation


    I have trawled the internet and found numerous examples of other people that have been scammed by and find it quite unbelievable that your company still offers them your business services.


    If you require any further information please do not hesitate to contact me.


    Yours faithfully,


  • hopton13
    3 Posts
    Thu, Jun 16 2011 10:35 AM



    That's a great help! One more question for you.. When you cancelled your account, and followed the steps outlined above, step three said click the link that says "here".. Did that link take you to a page which prompted you to write a "love story"? I followed the instructions exactly as you said, but i'm not sure i've ended up in the right place! Any further help you can give would be great.. Hope you manage to get your cash back!

  • hopton13
    3 Posts
    Thu, Jun 16 2011 10:43 AM


    Sorry to bother you again, but don't worry about the last post.. After a LOT of digging around, i found the link i needed.. They don't make it easy! Now, to try and get my £90 back.. Thanks for your help, it was much appreciated!



  • Morgeo
    52 Posts
    Thu, Jun 16 2011 7:06 PM

    I figure that if I am offered something free then I do not need to give them my credit card details. Either it is free or it is'nt. If I am satisfied with whatever then they can willingly have my credit card details to charge the appropriate amount. If they don't like the way I like to do business then they can look elsewhere. They should be able to sign you in and then cancel if you don't follow up. They will have made some interest on your money Martin. Perhaps you should ask them for it.

  • Gokmev
    5 Posts
    Fri, Jun 17 2011 4:42 AM

    Bloody Be2... I would say do not trust the closing account thing though not to say do not do it. I even cancelled and renewed my credit card after seeing the warnings on other websites about be2 as I rather do not let them keep my credit card info. However it may ruin your refund option (which is unlikely anyway) or give them another excuse to not to refund.

    I definitely think WGT should remove this offer asap even just for it charges money though claims to be free.

  • AlaCowboy
    1,321 Posts
    Fri, Jun 17 2011 12:53 PM


    The OP does have a point though - if it says free 7-day trial, IT SHOULD BE FREE FOR 7 DAYS!  They will expect 98% of people to cancel within the trial period, but they are looking for that 2%.

    Have you had an email confirmation from them of any sort, either when signing up or cancelling?  Try contacting them by phone.  Go to their website if they have one to get their phone number.  Failing all that, on the offers page click on Support in the top right corner (same level at the offers categories).  Find the offer, then click Contact Support (should be TrialPay support) and take it from there.  TrialPay should be able to sort it out.

    I did one today for emusic.  Got me worried now!

    So if the OP (or you) signed up fully intending to cancel within the 7 day trial period, then should the WGT account not be charged back the credits received? Maybe the company should not credit the WGT account during the 7 day trial period.

  • wimthetim1967
    2 Posts
    Mon, Jun 27 2011 4:13 PM

    i just got stung by the exact same 89 punds as all the other wgt players.... i only had 98 pound in my account so it has really messed up my day. i strongly recommend anyone to stay well clear of Be2. all through signing up for their free trial there is no indication of any payment whatsoever. They send you confirmation emails clearly stating 0.00 has been debited from your account. It is all very misleading. And then we have the amount that they take. £89!!! that is ****** ridiculous. WGT should not feature this add.

  • Snaike
    3,678 Posts
    Mon, Jun 27 2011 11:23 PM

    So, help me understand something, please....

    If you lot are signing up just for the credits, with full intention of cancelling even before you sign up, who's scamming whom?

    Perhaps there should be a caveat saying that if you ~do~ cancel, you forfeit the free credits....  then I wonder how many would sign up?



    Remember kids, you get what you pay for.

  • wimthetim1967
    2 Posts
    Tue, Jun 28 2011 10:42 AM

    rubbish! BE2 is a scam... its totally against the law what they are doing. I probably would have continued to use the dating site on a month to month basis. however in having 89 pound stolen from my account for 1 days use of the site changed my mind.. I have managed to cancel my free trial but my account is still missing £89. I have emailed their customer service several times ... but have had nothing other than generic replies confirming my cancellation yet no mention of the £89 i have been asking them about. Its a total disgrace!

  • colemere
    7 Posts
    Sun, Jul 17 2011 4:17 AM


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