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Re: Average....Scoring

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Fri, Apr 15 2011 6:22 AM (14 replies)
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  • isolater
    426 Posts
    Thu, Mar 3 2011 11:47 AM

    if that is the case the avg shouldn't change  if you shoot rounds  above your avg  why  was my avg  65.05  i shot a good 7 or 8 rounds  in a row at Oakmont  in the mid to high 70's   my avg dropped  64.80   it makes no sense at all

  • isolater
    426 Posts
    Thu, Mar 3 2011 11:54 AM

    ok here we go again  my avg  was 64.80  i shot an 85  again at oakmont  my avg  now dropped to  64.70 makes absolutely no sense the worse i shoot the lower my avg gets thats not  right   .i don't care what system you are using to calculate avg score  it should not go  down when shooting rounds 20 strokes higher than yer avg . if i shoot in the 90's will it make me tour master and if i shoot in the 100's it will make  me a legend ?

  • HDBanger
    348 Posts
    Fri, Mar 4 2011 4:06 AM

    Same thing going on here, I shot a 73 and my avg went from 68.44 to 67.xx. That makes no sense at all. Last two rounds I shot well above my avg, and my avg went down. I am struggling with the Master tees as it is, not high enough level for decent traj irons or long driver, and they are gonna just keep dropping my avg , bump me to TM, and I really wont be able to compete. Was hoping to at least level up and get my clubs before being bumped again. Whats best way to level up without tiering? 

  • Noobingalltheway
    222 Posts
    Sat, Mar 5 2011 3:25 PM

    Isolater - There is no score in your history at 85. There are no 7 or 8 scores at Oakmont in a row ANYWHERE in your history, never mind 7 or 8 in mid-high 70's

    Oakmont back 9 score 35 (70) 02/19/2011

    Oakmont back 9 score 41 (82)  02/19/2011

    Oakmont full 18 score 69  02/23/2011

    Oakmont full 18 score 68  02/25/2011

    Oakmont full 18 score 70 02/28/2011

    Oakmont front 9 multiround: score 37 (74)  02/28/2011

    Oakmont full 18: score 74 03/02/2011

    Oakmont back 9 multiround: score 34 (68) 03/04/2011

    Thats your last 8 Oakmont scores - 5 of them at 70 or below...two in low/mid 70's, and one in the 80's .... most of them with a few games at Kiawah/St Andys in between (mostly mid 60's scores). These Oakmont scores are NOT bringing your average down, they just aren't bringing it UP. The low/mid 60 scores are what brings it down...

    HD - I wouldn't worry, you won't be promoted to tour master on your scoring...just keep shooting as you are and you will remain around 66 average - as you don't hit TM till you go down to 63, you have some improvements to make before you make TM (as I do)

  • HDBanger
    348 Posts
    Fri, Apr 15 2011 6:22 AM

    Yeh right. lol

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