Have you ever noticed when a player quits, their ball remains on the ground? My idea: when a player quits they also forfeit the ball they were using (except of course if they were using a free unlimited ball). Then which ever remaining player that wins the round also wins the ball that the quitter forfeited. I guarantee less players would quit knowing they would also lose their ball. And if they do, winning the round and the ball would be a nice little bonus for the remaining players. What do you all think of my idea?
you've been on this site for over 6 years, and this is what you dedicate your 3rd ever post to?...oi vey
With so many crashes, how do we even know the player "quit"?, or perhaps something happened in RL, as Scott suggested. If you know for a fact the player quit (which I don't think happens that often), just don't invite him or her back again. WGT can't even run a playable game as it is, no need to add another complication.
Not a terrible idea, Kev...but I think a re-visit to the drawing board is in order..:)