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When players quit...

rated by 0 users
Wed, Mar 23 2016 11:35 PM (9 replies)
  • lasvegaskev
    4 Posts
    Mon, Mar 21 2016 12:45 PM

    Have you ever noticed when a player quits, their ball remains on the ground?  My idea:  when a player quits they also forfeit the ball they were using (except of course if they were using a free unlimited ball).  Then which ever remaining player that wins the round also wins the ball that the quitter forfeited.  I guarantee less players would quit knowing they would also lose their ball.  And if they do, winning the round and the ball would be a nice little bonus for the remaining players.  What do you all think of my idea?

  • WillieBruce
    1,123 Posts
    Mon, Mar 21 2016 3:03 PM

    Me gusta!

  • ScottHope
    10,623 Posts
    Mon, Mar 21 2016 3:11 PM
    I don't think a player would appreciate it if WGT took their ball away because they had to leave a game to, lets say, attend to their child who had fallen over and knocked themself out.
  • raybealesr
    1 Posts
    Mon, Mar 21 2016 3:57 PM

    How do you know a player quit intentionally?  This game has changed.  The number of interruptions now are astounding. Blue screens, loading issues, meter issues, players constantly rebooting, or getting booted out by WGT - I think if a player leaves a game now,  there is a very good chance it wasn't their preferred choice to do so.

  • ct690911
    7,205 Posts
    Mon, Mar 21 2016 4:24 PM


    Have you ever noticed when a player quits, their ball remains on the ground?  My idea:  when a player quits they also forfeit the ball they were using (except of course if they were using a free unlimited ball).  Then which ever remaining player that wins the round also wins the ball that the quitter forfeited.  I guarantee less players would quit knowing they would also lose their ball.  And if they do, winning the round and the ball would be a nice little bonus for the remaining players.  What do you all think of my idea?

    you've been on this site for over 6 years, and this is what you dedicate your 3rd ever post to?...oi vey

    With so many crashes, how do we even know the player "quit"?, or perhaps something happened in RL, as Scott suggested.  If you know for a fact the player quit (which I don't think happens that often), just don't invite him or her back again. WGT can't even run a playable game as it is, no need to add another complication.

    Not a terrible idea, Kev...but I think a re-visit to the drawing board is in order..:)

  • lasvegaskev
    4 Posts
    Mon, Mar 21 2016 4:57 PM

    Thank you for replying ct690911 and also your view on how often and what I should post about.

    1. I see players quit way more than I see a system crash.

    2. In a typical week I play about 9 or 10 rounds... I see players quit in at least 5-7 of those rounds.

    3. I agree, things happen in real life that have to be taken care of... in that case I am just going to assume that forfeiting an imaginary golf ball is a pretty small sacrifice to make in order to take whatever immediate action is necessary in that situation.

  • ct690911
    7,205 Posts
    Mon, Mar 21 2016 6:28 PM


    Thank you for replying ct690911 and also your view on how often and what I should post about.

    1. I see players quit way more than I see a system crash.

    2. In a typical week I play about 9 or 10 rounds... I see players quit in at least 5-7 of those rounds.

    3. I agree, things happen in real life that have to be taken care of... in that case I am just going to assume that forfeiting an imaginary golf ball is a pretty small sacrifice to make in order to take whatever immediate action is necessary in that situation.

    you have players quit on you approx 70% of the time on a weekly basis?...not sure what to say to that. You belong to a CC and have many friends on your stick with them I guess. posted in an open forum and asked what we thought of your idea...I told you what I thought. No disrespect intended.

  • borntobesting
    9,756 Posts
    Tue, Mar 22 2016 12:56 AM

    I have only quit 3 times once due to an unexpected thunderstorm and I always shut down and unhook my PC and router during storms. Once when my wife changed lunch plans and I had to quit to eat. We always eat the noon meal as a family.

    And once because the person I was playing with was so obnoxious that I couldn't stomach his attitude any longer. And I'm supposed to lose ball because of those???

    Edit I forgot 2.So I quit  5 times. The 4th was an A/S match that I should not have started. I knew I didn't have enough time before bedtime to finish it. The fifth wasn't really a quit as such, During a CC match play round after being up for well over 24 hours I fell asleep and had enough time expired to be DQ'd.

  • Chris1973M
    1,836 Posts
    Tue, Mar 22 2016 2:23 PM

    not a good idea..lasvegaskev

  • AceHoler26
    349 Posts
    Wed, Mar 23 2016 11:35 PM

    I agree with the majority of sentiment on here.....that there are too many legit reasons for players to have to leave a match early to take their ball.

    I find that most players, when they have to leave will announce that something just came up, and then they will suggest to drop game or they will forfeit.

    It's kind of like can't legislate morality or good behavior....and in this case you can legislate etiquette, you just hope that the players will display good game etiquette.