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Re: To my fellow participants of this forum..

Mon, Apr 11 2016 12:39 PM (70 replies)
  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Mon, Apr 11 2016 12:39 PM


    Good to know I'm not the only one.

    The nice thing about being moderated - AGAIN - is I know I'm at least making an some sort of impact on WGT management. They do, in fact, listen. It also tells me the admins care enough to help me post properly. I love them for that. Honestly, I always want to be moderated. That way I can't ever get banned for not adhering to a set of forum posting guidelines completely open to interpretation. 

    Thanks in advance to whatever admin took the time to approve this post. /hugs


    Also posts slotting in a page or two before where everyone is reading (except this time) means you're unlikely to upset anyone.

    ps Did you know any edits you do to your post are not moderated?  Maybe you could still get banned :))