Howzit all
I've bumped heads with CT (Colin) before in the forums.
Not because he's insufferable and a boor, but simply because I misunderstood what he was saying.
That's the crux of the matter in my opinion. Understanding that all of us are very different, we all want our voices to be heard and it's via a medium that is essentially one-dimensional, with no option of reading body language clues, speech nuances etc.
That having been said, I believe there are 2 sides to this:
1. The 1st Amendment which states that free speech is sacrosanct to the promotion of a fair and equitable democracy, where ALL people have the right to address their grievances.
2. This is a privately owned and operated web site, which decides, via the T & C's, what is allowed or not allowed to be said.
I realise and have experienced personally, the arbitrary application of #2 above but I've sucked it up and moved on.
I am with the majority on this thread. I don't believe that Colin has said anything that warranted a warning.
I do believe that the person who attacked his veteran status did warrant a timeout, which is what has appeared to have happened, albeit a short one.
The free expression of opinions and ideas should never be censored, as long as it does not include personal attacks, racist and/or mysogynistic diatribes.
My nickle :-)
HT to Lee