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To my fellow participants in this forum..

Mon, Apr 11 2016 12:39 PM (70 replies)
  • ct690911
    7,205 Posts
    Sat, Apr 9 2016 2:54 PM

    I have been with WGT since 2012. I have always played a fair and honest game, I've met some gr8 people, and I'm fortunate to be part of an excellent CC.

    I also try to remain active in these forums. I enjoy reading the varied opinions and then responding. That's what this forum was designed for. Although I admit to being opinionated, I have always tried to provide an honest point of view based on my life experiences, general education and specific knowledge of the topic. I also take great care to ensure my opinions are presented in a thoughtful and articulate manner, so that readers accurately know where I stand.

    Sometimes spirited debates break out. We have all seen them. As long as they don't erode into a cussing contest, where slander is the sole aim, most debates can be useful, educational, and even entertaining.

    Today, for the first time in 4 years, I received a warning from WGT about some of my posts. I don't even know what rule I broke?..or why it took me 4 years to break it? I naturally asked what standards were used to merit threats of suspension? (not just what is published in the T&C's). I received no reply. I'm certain that I was not singled out. Others must have received warnings. I have read far worse on here than anything I have ever posted.  

    I am taking a break from posting in this forum. It simply isn't worth the apparent upset I can induce...especially in the mods..:)

    Sincere thanks to those who have read my opinions. Whether you agreed or not remains inconsequential. The fact you took the time to read, and oft times respond, is most appreciated.



    edit: I have amended my original post and removed the verb "promulgate". It appears to be causing some unintended angst in a few

    I plan to continue reading the threads, so please post your thoughts and opinions in them. I very much enjoy them, as do many others. 

  • largemouth51
    1,212 Posts
    Sat, Apr 9 2016 3:10 PM

    Oh I t might be time to hand over my Mr Congeniality Award.


  • opyeuclid
    6,710 Posts
    Sat, Apr 9 2016 3:20 PM

    Hi , My name is OPY and I am Reformed . 

  • lee22sharon
    1,419 Posts
    Sat, Apr 9 2016 3:26 PM

    A well reasoned reply to an unknown situation.  I have had 2 warnings, 1 of them I knew what it was for.  The other - in the wind.  Have had my account suspended once.

    Considering how they went about it I wasn't unduly peeved (for long).

     Keep doing as you were but caution yourself twice before you post it, might catch a gross error against the T & C.

    Would miss your point of view on certain topics.  

    Don't EVER! give up.  my nickle.

  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Sat, Apr 9 2016 4:24 PM

    Today, for the first time in 4 years, I received a warning from WGT about some of my posts. I don't even know what rule I broke?..or why it took me 4 years to break it? I naturally asked what standards were used to merit threats of suspension? (not just what is published in the T&C's). I received no reply. I'm certain that I was not singled out. Others must have received warnings. I have read far worse on here than anything I have ever posted. Did they also receive warnings? If so, the Mods must do very little else with their day but promulgate PM's. 

    In my experience ct....after being banned from the Forum, maybe 3 times for short increments of time, and once not being able to post without moderation for nearly 4 months... and account suspended for a few weeks..( you shudda heard me back then, thought it was real life and had carte blanche.. LOL ) 

    It is an accumulation of things I think...

    Sometimes..( and I know I did a couple of years ago) we expect too much of others, and comment accordingly to our own standards as we see them....

    Occasionally forgetting that the World is full and varied with different ppl..

    thick, fat, rich, poor. intelligent, stupid, thin and everything else inbetween ?

    I lost site of this fact and without meaning to, or with foresight, broke TC's, it just happens...

    WGT prolly just giving you a heads up to think before you type / post..?

    I do you know WGT are not putting a blanket ban on what you can and cannot say   ;-))

    Just chill for a bit and give the Forum a miss for a couple of's what I did..

    AND didn't play for those 4 months in a silent but satisfying protest btw, why still L99  !!!!!!  :D



  • K7JBQ
    1,469 Posts
    Sat, Apr 9 2016 4:25 PM

    As a moderator on another site (, the largest amateur radio website on the planet), my thoughts are that, if one is given a warning, he/she is also given the reason for it. Otherwise, what good is the warning, and what can it accomplish?

    Hang in there, ct. I for one appreciate the vast majority of your posts.


  • drmoose
    3,546 Posts
    Sat, Apr 9 2016 4:44 PM

    Dayum ! What in tarnation did y'all do now there CT? Last I knew, we was all just funnin' an' stuff. Hmmmm, I'm thinkin' I smell a rat.

    Doc :(

  • mbcarp99
    1,078 Posts
    Sat, Apr 9 2016 4:47 PM

    I am taking a break from this forum

    I am a bit worried, there will be hardly anything left to read without your posts :)

  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Sat, Apr 9 2016 5:04 PM

    Did they also receive warnings? If so, the Mods must do very little else with their day but promulgate PM's.

    That is the first time "promulgate" has been used on this forum!  That's a fact.

    I have an awful thesaurus.  Not only is it awful but it's awful.

  • justacowboy
    1,338 Posts
    Sat, Apr 9 2016 5:15 PM

    who cares