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Re: B fing ' shyt

rated by 0 users
Tue, May 10 2016 11:41 AM (21 replies)
  • oneeyedjohn
    9,588 Posts
    Tue, May 10 2016 5:18 AM


     so really useless to buy any.


    So why buy them , u get two free ones everyday anyway.

    I use 1 and get 1000 + XP's

  • petervcpt
    1,013 Posts
    Tue, May 10 2016 11:41 AM


    ^^^ Interesting to see if disconnections are more prevalent in wireless mode, I am, for one.

    Doc :)

    Howdy Doc

    I have wireless connectivity to my DSL router. I never have disconnects.

    Would ANYONE please invite me RIGHT now to an alt game (and excuse my playing), and this can be demonstrated?

    I've set my status to available for alt shot.



    PS: I currently have 3 websites open, have web.whatsapp running and my mail client (thunderbird) open and polling every 2 minutes for new mail.