I'll be honest with you.
Yesterday I joined a ranked 4 ball on St Andrews. First tee I tee'd off decent enough leaving a 55 yrd shot to the back of the green. Meter f4cked my shot into the burn and I was raging...so much so that I took out the driver and smashed a Callaway right through the green cause I really couldn't give a toss after the meter goofed up my 2nd shot. Sure I told the other guys I was raging and left the game because the meter had been killing my rounds most of the night.
Here's the rub...I ain't no quitter....but I ain't about to let that knob jockey of a meter dictate my score. I have just about played my brains out to reach the Legend Tier, so when ole porky the stuttering useless *** stalls and ruins my shot...I usually fly into a rage.
I also don't buy that it's down to pc's, internet connection, geo location or how saggy my grannies t-i-t-s are.....because the fact that more often than not it seems to happen at the most crucial times and in ready goes in particular, leads me to think otherwise.
Last night I played the Kiawah tourney and was 6 under at the turn with no meter problems at all. However, on the back 9 it was like dodging bullets with the meter stutter peppering my shots on every other hole...till finally I had enough and quit at 5 under on the 16th...because I was so pissed off.
Anyway...I do see the original posters point about folks hitting a crap shot through their own mistake and quitting. That would piss me off too.