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Re: Am I just stupid?

Sat, Jun 18 2016 3:24 PM (27 replies)
  • MainzMan
    9,591 Posts
    Tue, Jun 14 2016 8:16 AM

    Just stupid?  No, you're also pig ugly  ; ))

    You've had the right answer enough that I figured I could be an areshole, just for a change  : )

    Clubs with poor precision will almost never hit the same shot twice in a row.  Hell, even my clubs don't do that. 

    But, they're a hell of a lot better than my real life ones are.  I'm sure it must by my clubs, it can't possibly be me. 

    Can it?

  • jessek12
    102 Posts
    Tue, Jun 14 2016 9:23 AM


    First off, drop the hyperbole. I understand the frustration, but nobody can help you if you aren't actually realistic about your problems and struggles with the game. If you are literally 4-putting from 3 feet out, then the problem is your skill and not the game. 

    As many have said, WGT has an element of realism built in. This means that you could ding a shot, and aim exactly where you want, and the result might not be what you thought. Chances are itll be close, but there is that bit of randomness / realism. Especially with the starter clubs, which have horrible precision (basically meaning that even if you ding, the area where your ball could end up is large).

    And I will second the point made about you not knowing what ranked rounds are. Ranked rounds are simply rounds that you play that count towards your stats. It also helps a lot to play with others, because then you can ask them questions during play (provided you get matched up with decent folk). Or you could invite one of the many experts that have posted on here, or throughout the forums. I am sure they will be more than helpful.

    This game comes down to knowing your club yardage, being able to hit the ding, and putting. Green speeds are faster the higher up you go, so a 25 ft putt, level, will not always be 100% of a 25 ft meter putter. Add onto that uphill, downhill, and reading break just like actual golf. Keep practicing, getting familiar, and I highly recommend watching videos and doing surveys for credits so you can upgrade your gear. Best of luck, this game is pretty fun once you get past the frustration.

    - Jesse

  • ct690911
    7,205 Posts
    Tue, Jun 14 2016 1:34 PM


    I think it is silly to stick to 2 courses period. It is like my course or  i.m going home. As for clubs and golf balls they do help some players, but i have seen a lot of good players with wgt equipment only.

    As you move up in tiers, you move farther back on the tees to where the starter clubs become virtually useless. The putter is a bit different because 90% of putting is being able to read the greens. Huge advantage if you have decent kit.


  • weeladdie
    4 Posts
    Fri, Jun 17 2016 1:36 AM

    hi. just needed to say great post, well said, i agree whole heartedly with your comments,,, "Weeladdie"

  • tjune2016
    588 Posts
    Sat, Jun 18 2016 2:25 AM

    Give it a chance, it will get better. I have same problems and i have good clubs' hit a shot from 100 yds wind in face, So i say 110 yds should do it ,yeah right 20 yds over the green lol who shot it??me or wgt?? i say wgt. :-)  But it is still fun, give it a chance.

  • bowlahole
    132 Posts
    Sat, Jun 18 2016 11:13 AM

    One thing you didn`t mention, What was the elevation of the green ? You may have gone over because the elev. was way lower than the tee box.  ( just a thought)   Rick

  • patrickmar
    245 Posts
    Sat, Jun 18 2016 3:12 PM

    Learn to disobey the preselections. "Chip" and "Pitch" are wrong most of the time. If in doubt, use punch or full shot

    Full swing and punch are what i use on anything over 19 yds. i use pitch on anything under 19 yds and sometimes a flop depends on greens and slope.

    You are not going to get any good shots off with them starter clubs, there is no accuracy to them and they play short on distance.  When you do purchase new clubs, the high arc clubs are better and get to know your clubs. By this i mean how much power it takes to go a certain distance. Example: on my 60 yd  wedge with (full swing mode) i know what power i need to make the ball go 4 yds or max distance with full top spin is good for 64 yds, know your clubs, this will come with years of experience and will not happen over night. I ve been playing for 5 years now and i am still learning, the more you play the better you will learn from what not to do.

    Happy Golfing

  • patrickmar
    245 Posts
    Sat, Jun 18 2016 3:24 PM



    maybe when i get to lvl 100 and have all the best gear some of the randomness will disappear but until then i just hit and hope

    Speaking from experience, 'at level 100..the best gear' sometimes doesn't make the randomness disappear.  I was playing one of my fav courses Pinehurst. I have made notes from all the rounds I played there, and one of the last times I played it, the approaches done with great execution and great golf balls had balls flying all over the place.



    Speaking from experience, 'at level 100..the best gear' sometimes doesn't make the randomness disappear.  I was playing one of my fav courses Pinehurst. I have made notes from all the rounds I played there, and one of the last times I played it, the approaches done with great execution and great golf balls had balls flying all over the place.

    We call that Vem and yes it happens with the 100 level nike irons. 

    Playing BPB hole 3 lower right pin wind at 6 from left to right. Dinged it and it went to the left of pin 11yds, i was dumb founded by this, in all still hit the 33 ft putt for bird, good thing the green  from there is a straight shot. Just shake it off and go on to the next hole.