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Re: Auto Reverse View

rated by 0 users
Thu, Aug 4 2016 8:32 AM (18 replies)
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  • SplashLewis
    373 Posts
    Tue, Aug 2 2016 9:33 AM


    Pravda quality editing of the past there from the OP.

    Someone doesn't seem to have the courage of their own convictions.



    No, i had a long response explaining to you, that it wasn't simply the "mouse click" that was the concern, but the traffic and processing behind it that could be saved if i could choose to have it as my default, especially if there hundreds, thousands of players that choose it to be a default,  but then it was obvious to me that me speaking as a software engineer (which I am) would still go over your simple brain, that I decided not to stoop to your level of being an ashhole. So i decided to be the bigger woman and deleted my post.   You don't know me, we never interacted on this site, nor have we ever played.  There was no reason for you to be a dick.  But as i go back and read some of your posts, i see that it is in your nature to be one.  You're what is called an "internet gangster".  So have it...get your last ashhole words's in your nature



  • 11BC2
    555 Posts
    Tue, Aug 2 2016 9:34 AM

    Even easier is to set one of your mouse buttons to act as a space bar and simply click that mouse button to get the reverse view. I have one of my mouse's thumb buttons set up like this and it works well. 
    Agree with this. 

    Unfortunately WGT has a horrific UI.  It would be wonderful if WGT would implement a UI with programmable hotkeys for the keyboard.  Unfortunately seeing how they still have a broken chat box after the June 2015 update I'm a bit skeptical.  Here is a great example of a game with a top notch UI, SC2.  This is just one tiny little example of all the possible different "modes" and configurations.  You've got QWERTY, standard, core (a program written), etc etc.  :

  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Tue, Aug 2 2016 10:14 AM

    No, i had a long response explaining to you, that it wasn't simply the "mouse click" that was the concern, but the traffic and processing behind it that could be saved if i could choose to have it as my default, especially if there hundreds, thousands of players that choose it to be a default,  but then it was obvious to me that me speaking as a software engineer (which I am) would still go over your simple brain, that I decided not to stoop to your level of being an ashhole.

    But now you have, cool.

     You don't know me, we never interacted on this site, nor have we ever played. 

    And my life is richer for it.


    There was no reason for you to be a dick.  But as i go back and read some of your posts, i see that it is in your nature to be one.  You're what is called an "internet gangster".  So have it...get your last ashhole words's in your nature


    I don't need a reason. 

    I prefer gangsta, it's more street and down with the kids. more thing, I don't believe a word of your given reason for your edit. Let's face it, your suggestions (all 4 threads from yesterday,almost spam) were, to be very kind, just not very good.

    This latest post was a brave attempt at backtracking but it made you look like you were running backwards in a minefield wearing clown shoes.

    Always here to help.




  • jeffmatulich
    482 Posts
    Tue, Aug 2 2016 11:00 AM

    Less clicks = more revenue for WGT?! LMFAO  Behave yourself!


    the reality is that (for me) on one one of the computers I use for wgt I have to wait significantly to get the next shot to load, then I hit space bar (but actually because of whatever reason, I first must click on the game window before the spacebar will work <known issue btw>), so thats a - click, spacebar and now I have to wait again for the reverse (or helicopter) shot to load - Its a big time suck.  ....but if I didn't have to wait so much for each of these shot loads then I'd play almost twice as many games in the same amount of time which equals more ball use, which means more revenue.  

    My point being even without all the wait......quicker rounds will equate to more ball use ergo more credits spent....Not too far of leap to get that one right?

  • SplashLewis
    373 Posts
    Tue, Aug 2 2016 12:13 PM



    Less clicks = more revenue for WGT?! LMFAO  Behave yourself!


    the reality is that (for me) on one one of the computers I use for wgt I have to wait significantly to get the next shot to load, then I hit space bar (but actually because of whatever reason, I first must click on the game window before the spacebar will work <known issue btw>), so thats a - click, spacebar and now I have to wait again for the reverse (or helicopter) shot to load - Its a big time suck.  ....but if I didn't have to wait so much for each of these shot loads then I'd play almost twice as many games in the same amount of time which equals more ball use, which means more revenue.  

    My point being even without all the wait......quicker rounds will equate to more ball use ergo more credits spent....Not too far of leap to get that one right?


    I'm sure wgt will/does understand that.  Whether or not they implement it is another thing.  It's a "best practice" to reduce "clicks" because of the actions behind it.

  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Tue, Aug 2 2016 12:32 PM

    OK I'll retract that statement for players who's machines came with windows 98 installed or  who's internet is provided by Boulton-Watt steam engines.

    If your between screen loads are taking that long, sort it.

  • fairground11
    1,211 Posts
    Wed, Aug 3 2016 1:14 PM


    Even easier is to set one of your mouse buttons to act as a space bar and simply click that mouse button to get the reverse view. I have one of my mouse's thumb buttons set up like this and it works well. 
    Agree with this. 

    Unfortunately WGT has a horrific UI.  It would be wonderful if WGT would implement a UI with programmable hotkeys for the keyboard.  Unfortunately seeing how they still have a broken chat box after the June 2015 update I'm a bit skeptical.  Here is a great example of a game with a top notch UI, SC2.  This is just one tiny little example of all the possible different "modes" and configurations.  You've got QWERTY, standard, core (a program written), etc etc.  :

    wgt does not have a broken chatbox

    edge and google chrome do


    i have never had any problems with my chatbox but there again i have never used either of those browsers because they are crap

  • 11BC2
    555 Posts
    Wed, Aug 3 2016 1:32 PM


    wgt does not have a broken chatbox

    edge and google chrome do

    WGT chat box is 100% broken.  Many many of my friends, including myself have to continuously re-click.  I do not use either of those browsers.  And to throw out there, every browser works differently for different systems.  Some people swear by Maxthon, which in my book is the absolute worst one.   I get more disconnects, stutter, and memory loss with Maxthon than others.

    I've posted screen shots of this in TM in previous threads many months ago.  If WGT chat box only works in 1 or 2 browsers then the problem is on WGT to make it work with ALL browsers.

  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Thu, Aug 4 2016 8:32 AM

    If WGT chat box only works in 1 or 2 browsers then the problem is on WGT to make it work with ALL browsers.

    I agree but WGT only support some browsers, that's their get out.

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