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Auto Reverse View

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Thu, Aug 4 2016 8:32 AM (18 replies)
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  • SplashLewis
    373 Posts
    Mon, Aug 1 2016 11:12 AM

    I always read my putts and make my putts from reverse view.  Why not make this my default view?  make it a "check box" option.



    less mouse clicks = saved time = more $ wgt.     less aggravation for the player


  • jeffmatulich
    482 Posts
    Mon, Aug 1 2016 11:46 AM

    +1 and how about helicopter view for tee shots......making specific views an option would speed play and generate more revenue over time.  


    The shot tracker is as implemented lame....I have not found it useful at any time even on par 3 tee shots....if you had it for all shots might start to be more useful.  But why should we ever expect you to fully implement and deliver on an idea or concept.    


    - meow (facepalm)


    Edit and yes......remove flagstick as an option (not another mouse click)  Love it!!!!  Afterthought - nope they'll never do it.  think how many balls you've lost due to hitting the flagstick......too many for me at least..that one is a built it ball sucker to get you buying more balls....

  • SplashLewis
    373 Posts
    Mon, Aug 1 2016 12:39 PM

    It only took me one time to have my ball hit the flagstick and hit in the water at BP Hole 8 before i started removing the flag on every shot...


    Thanks, glad you like ideas  :)

  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Mon, Aug 1 2016 1:48 PM

    In real golf - a player would have to walk round behind the flag to get a reverse

                           view, we get to do it with a click.

                         - there are no helicopters to give players an overhead view of holes.

                         - there are no shot trackers.

                        - players or their caddies have to physically remove the pin,

                            we get to do it with a click.

    I do not see any benefits having these ideas implemented. They would just make the game even more unrealistic, something that WGT are doing well enough themselves with cat balls, t-rex teeboxes, gnome flags etc. Let's not join in with their lunacy!

    Less clicks = more revenue for WGT?! LMFAO  Behave yourself!

    Also if you find clicking a mouse aggravating then maybe computer games aren't really your thing.


  • SplashLewis
    373 Posts
    Mon, Aug 1 2016 4:08 PM




  • ZioMio
    4,680 Posts
    Mon, Aug 1 2016 5:49 PM


    I always read my putts and make my putts from reverse view.  Why not make this my default view?  make it a "check box" option.


    Just use your spacebar to change to reverse putt view like us smart people do. It even works for the default forward view on Drives and approach shots.

    Less whining  = happier forums.


  • SplashLewis
    373 Posts
    Mon, Aug 1 2016 5:59 PM


  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Tue, Aug 2 2016 3:32 AM

    Pravda quality editing of the past there from the OP.

    Someone doesn't seem to have the courage of their own convictions.


  • borntobesting
    9,756 Posts
    Tue, Aug 2 2016 7:44 AM



    I always read my putts and make my putts from reverse view.  Why not make this my default view?  make it a "check box" option.


    Just use your spacebar to change to reverse putt view like us smart people do. It even works for the default forward view on Drives and approach shots.

    Less whining  = happier forums.


    Even easier is to set one of your mouse buttons to act as a space bar and simply click that mouse button to get the reverse view. I have one of my mouse's thumb buttons set up like this and it works well. 

    But even though I usually putt from the reverse view there are a few holes where putting from the reverse view is awful.

  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Tue, Aug 2 2016 9:15 AM

    But even though I usually putt from the reverse view there are a few holes where putting from the reverse view is awful.

    ...and some where every putting view is awful!

    Nowadays I check both views with grid locked and unlocked, giving me 4 reads to miss my putts with.

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