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Re: Forfeit Fatigue

rated by 0 users
Thu, Oct 25 2018 8:28 AM (27 replies)
  • Luckystar5
    1,638 Posts
    Mon, Oct 22 2018 8:20 PM

    n the mobile game it's a MUCH greater percentage of the folks who do it. Maybe it's because......

    Who knows why it is so prominent in the mobile version. There likely is many many reasons for their short patience and trigger fingers and likely much inexperience in any sort of  multiplayer gameplay. I think it is a completely different animal then the PC version.

    Good points though. If the mobile maniacs would take the time to play the PC version I think their attitudes would change considerably. Leaving out the already PC wise players on the mobile version who I'm sure do not have the same habits.



    It's most likely the use of the sponsership program. This facit of the game, is only active for a short period of time, while free. Otherwise if you wish to use it, to obtain better abilities, then you must purchase it. Since it's only active for a short period of time, for free, players are trying to finish as many games as possible. This is one misuse of the forfiet option, that I've been told about.
  • Mythanatos
    2,216 Posts
    Tue, Oct 23 2018 8:08 AM


    In the mobile game it's a MUCH greater percentage of the folks who do it. Maybe it's because of the short timeframe for many of the matches, and they want to get in as many as they can and don't give 2 cents about their opponent or courtesy.

    For me the worst time is when people play it through to the end, miss the putt that would tie, then forfeit the match before you can putt for the win, knowing they are screwing you out of the xp. The even cuter ones *cough* send you a message after they forfeit with a F* U* LOL so you know it was deliberate.

    If you forfeit it doesn't count as a win or a loss in the monthly stats. You still lose the coins, but some people just do it to be jerks. Yes, you can block them (something I wish you could do in the PC version), but that's another pita and time consuming for you.

    Blocking just prevents the chat and messages from going through to you. It doesn't prevent any future matches from occurring. just an fyi.

  • PastorJon
    283 Posts
    Wed, Oct 24 2018 10:57 AM

    Hallelujah!  Thanks bunches, Rich!

  • Mythanatos
    2,216 Posts
    Wed, Oct 24 2018 12:38 PM

    the quote isn't mine. Learn to internet. 



    For me the worst time is when people play it through to the end, miss the putt that would tie, then forfeit the match before you can putt for the win, knowing they are screwing you out of the xp. The even cuter ones *cough* send you a message after they forfeit with a F* U* LOL so you know it was deliberate.

    If you forfeit it doesn't count as a win or a loss in the monthly stats. You still lose the coins, but some people just do it to be jerks.

      None of that really can happen in PC play . Unless it is a Match Play round that doesn't count for anything . No stats , eagles , holers , averages nothing at all .

      It is difficult for me to get my head around the mobile psychy . With no attention to learning the courses and all the holes. No attempt to lower ones average . Etc , etc and all the other many factors that ALL the PC players spend years focusing on refining and improving etc . 

      But to vigorously play for coins ,coins , coins . Is such a different game than online virtual PC golf . Not at all what WGT was all about for a decade .

      It is just a different animal .

      I still am certain the WGT PC golf will always rule .

      With quite a lot of mobilites doing their thing .


  • whooshdangit
    1,246 Posts
    Thu, Oct 25 2018 8:28 AM


    Hallelujah!  Thanks bunches, Rich!

    Happy to help PastorJon

