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Re: Rip-Off Surveys

Fri, Dec 29 2017 5:59 PM (28 replies)
  • jamesfox1973
    104 Posts
    Sat, Oct 29 2016 2:42 AM

    you "up yourselfs nubcakes" are the funniest thing about the game.....i dont come here to get flamed or to flame....but to post my experience of the game....

    as for censorship...has dissing other players become right?...i am sure the forums are not meant for that but to talk about the game ? for my playing record although i registered many years ago i only recently returned after having stopped playing for 2-3 yrs so again u make assumtions with knowing any facts....which going by a few posts in this thread is typical of the people posting in it...

  • phred952
    2,714 Posts
    Sat, Oct 29 2016 3:48 AM


    you "up yourselfs nubcakes" are the funniest thing about the game.....i dont come here to get flamed or to flame....but to post my experience of the game....

    as for censorship...has dissing other players become right?...i am sure the forums are not meant for that but to talk about the game ? for my playing record although i registered many years ago i only recently returned after having stopped playing for 2-3 yrs so again u make assumtions with knowing any facts....which going by a few posts in this thread is typical of the people posting in it...

    If you recently returned, welcome back.  Your scoring history only goes back 2 months, so there is no way for anyone to know you "recently returned."  Many people play MP and AS, which never shows up in the scoring history.  I didn't do a full exam of your profile page, just looked at highlights.

    2nd, you weren't posting your experiences, but your conspiracy theories.  That is 2 different things.  Some people blame WGT for their problems, when the fault lies within the way they play.  You appear to be one of those.  

    Third, you have played a lot of rounds the past 2 months, but your scores appear to be all over the place, while mostly playing the same tournaments over and over. That shows you aren't learning and improving from your previous rounds.  

    For example, do you think about where you want to be on the green and how to approach that point or just aim and hope for the best?  How do you adjust for distance and wind deviation?  Several people have posted links to Wind and Distance Calculators lately.  Gary @ pinhunters website posted a good one  Are you using one?  Here is a link to his site:  pinhunters

    Finally you were dissed because you were putting forward your crackpot theories about how WGT messes with certain people.  Do you really think that they have programmed the game just to mess with you?  Your scoring show your inconsistent play.

    Do we all get a wtf shot once in a while?  Yes it happens.  No one gets those all the time.  Your statements saying that in effect you do point towards your problems inherent to your play.  And perhaps to your persecution complex.

    Some of your scores show you have potential,  The Pebble Beach rounds of 30 and 32 are a great start.  the 37's, 39 and 45, not so much.  You can learn to play and improve, or just continue whinning about how WGT messes with you.  Your choice.

    If you have trouble with shots from the greenside rough, go practice those shots.  Map your wedges with the ball you plan to use.  Make a chart you can reference.  WalkofLife posted a great chart about 50 yd punch shots from different lies, fairway up to 40/50% rough.  Search for it and print it out.  Compare it to your shots.

    If you take nothing else from this,remember that  posting conspiracy theories will always be dissed in the forums.  

    Try to enjoy the game and have fun.  If you can't do that look for something else to do, but don't blame wgt for your failings.

    Goood Luck,



  • jamesfox1973
    104 Posts
    Sat, Oct 29 2016 5:03 AM

    it seem u dont even understand my posts...i have never posted conspiracy theories my posts are all about the total randomness of shots.....i have done the same shot..distance..wind ..lie...and end up with vastly different shots each time....if you read that as conspiracy then oh well as to pebble beach 37..39...45 are rounds where i have had unexplainable random results to normal shots..:)...

    as for my crackpot theories i have watched and studied  putting videos on youtube and even the guy who made it says...this technique works for a few weeks then stops working then a few weeks later works again ? he uses a mathematical formula if wtg aint doign something behind the scenes why does the formula stop working then after some time start working the real world 2+2 always is 4 not only sometimes...:)...

    to call some one a low life just because they dont believe what you do is just wrong if people on here cant see that then pity them....much better to just say we dont experience this its that simple..:)

    no pls move on as this is getting boring..:)

  • Robert1893
    7,729 Posts
    Sat, Oct 29 2016 6:44 AM

    it seem u dont even understand my posts...i have never posted conspiracy theories my posts are all about the total randomness of shots.....i have done the same shot..distance..wind ..lie...and end up with vastly different shots each time....if you read that as conspiracy then oh well as to pebble beach 37..39...45 are rounds where i have had unexplainable random results to normal shots..:)...

    Then how do you explain that your experience is not that of others? I'm not saying that I have had no shots that didn't appear to be random. But in over a year on here, that number is around 2-3. 

    Or how do you explain the fact that individuals can score so consistently? In other words, your experience is not the same as others, who have spent a great deal of time learning the game. 

  • PhilEStein
    1,269 Posts
    Sat, Oct 29 2016 6:50 AM

    On playing out of the rough you quoted "Some advised x, y and z but that's all rubbish tbh" Remember that? Is that not dissing other members? Like calling folk nubcakes isn't? 

    Who changed topic on this thread with yet another snipe at WGT? That is all you've ever posted. Constantly aiming nasty digs at someone who cannot or will not respond.

    Yes, I did have a poor upbringing among the bombed out houses in East London just after WWII. Very enjoyable but I did learn that the word is  'yourselves' and also there's a p in 'assumption'. You have no right to have a pop at anyone as your English comprehension, grammar and spelling is as atrocious as your theories. 

    Now put your hat on and go sit in the corner for a few hours.

  • jamesfox1973
    104 Posts
    Sat, Oct 29 2016 7:35 AM

    the silly pic just proves my point...your a defo nubcake....trying to be funny and sarcastic and failing badly....enjoy your petty stein

  • FelixStiener
    6 Posts
    Fri, Dec 29 2017 4:28 PM

    This company is a con the Georgian is the wg t company so you can't win and wg t can't lose so I think this company should be investigated by fbi. 

  • Robert1893
    7,729 Posts
    Fri, Dec 29 2017 5:12 PM

    This company is a con the Georgian is the wg t company so you can't win and wg t can't lose so I think this company should be investigated by fbi. 


  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Fri, Dec 29 2017 5:59 PM

    This company is a con the Georgian is the wg t company so you can't win and wg t can't lose so I think my intellect should be investigated by a brain surgeon. 

    Fixed for you.Certainly your "theory" is a left field one.