(1) for you info i do not diss everything just the faults as i see and experience them within the game....its a pity that you love the game so much you feel the need to act poorly against those who see it for what it is......which would indicate to me you have nothing else in your life...
(2) if you dont like how i expose the game then stop reading my posts and move on with your life :)
as for you alanti...i have never called you any names or been disrepectful to you,so does it make you feel big calling people poor and stupid?...i do hope you two are the exception rather then the rule to how other played conduct themselves on here.....
(3) maybe the forum mods should take a look and see if posts from the likes of you to should actually be allowed to be posted....remeber if you can't say something nice about some one don't open your mouth :).....
(4) i would guess that about 60-70% of people who have tried this game gave up because the experienced what i have....would be intresting to see just how many actually persevere in the hope that it becomes "playable"...
Re: (1) Above: The problem with your posts is that they seem to always veer to the negative. You apparently "see" everything through a glass less than 1/4 full.
Combining that with you stats, which give the appearance that you don't practice enough to imorove lead many of us to feel that you rejoice in attacking everything in the game. And speaking from your limited pool of ignorance.
Have you ever mapped out all of your clubs? Including wedges? Or even tracked down someone elses mapping and verified how it works for you with the ball you use? I've found posts by 11BC2 and WalkofLife regarding pitch, punch and full shots that I tested and found work well for me. Try it. Have you researched just how much more distance to allow for the various rough lies?
It is well know that for most people you have to upgrade balls as well as equipment. Your profile shows you are using the starter ball. While I have found that i can get some backspin with a 64* Cleveland wedge on "the rock". the ball is nothing like a Cally L33. Or even a WGT G13-S.
You have played 753 Ranked Rounds in just over 6 years (73 months). An average of 1 every 3 days. Do you think you can master this game with that little effort? Like anything to become good it takes PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE.
2) if you dont like how i expose the game then stop reading my posts and move on with your life :)
You aren't exposing anything, except you limited committment to improving. Your expereinces playing don't mirror what most dedicated players have learned. It's just your opinion.
(3) maybe the forum mods should take a look and see if posts from the likes of you to should actually be allowed to be posted....remeber if you can't say something nice about some one don't open your mouth :)..
You seem to feel that people should be censored. Yet nothing improper was said to you. If you can't take the fallout from others in the forum when you post your crazy ideas, don't post. Obscure theorizing has and will always be fair game here.
(4) i would guess that about 60-70% of people who have tried this game gave up because the experienced what i have....would be intresting to see just how many actually persevere in the hope that it becomes "playable"...
This is probably true, but only because most people aren't willing to take the time and spend the effort to learn this game. However, that's no different that anything else in life.
Inadiquate people will always balme something "outside their control" for their failings. One final question regarding your comspiracy theories: Did you get issued a tin foli hat or did you have to make your own?
Have a nice day,