Very few posts have made me want to comment again on this forum, but this needs it, and is my opinion only.
Sue i know was cutting her members down anyway, we have spoken a few times , including a week or so ago, about non actives in clubs. As Sue has always known my stance on that.
You can only do that by bringing folk in, some of these join in (comps and forum), they stay, some dont, so they go. It isnt being cruel, its just whats the point of being in club if you dont make friends with your club mates, and dont play the comps that folk work hard creating.
I am also friends with Graham and Willie who run the club some left Cravendale for, so i certainly aint grinding axe with those fine gentlemen.
All in all folk are piecing that Cravendale are crumbling.........well i personally disagree.
The OP, seems a fine gentleman also, keep up the good charitable work.