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Fri, Oct 21 2016 12:04 PM (25 replies)
  • bubbsboy
    6,879 Posts
    Wed, Oct 19 2016 2:28 PM

    Very few posts have made me want to comment again on this forum, but this needs it, and is my opinion only.

    Sue i know was cutting her members down anyway, we have spoken a few times , including a week or so ago, about non actives in clubs. As Sue has always known my stance on that.

    You can only do that by bringing folk in, some of these join in (comps and forum), they stay, some dont, so they go. It isnt being cruel, its just whats the point of being in club if you dont make friends with your club mates, and dont play the comps that folk work hard creating.

    I am also friends with Graham and Willie who run the club some left Cravendale for, so i certainly aint grinding axe with those fine gentlemen.

    All in all folk are piecing that Cravendale are crumbling.........well i personally disagree.

    The OP, seems a fine gentleman also, keep up the good charitable work.


  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Wed, Oct 19 2016 2:48 PM


    No hidden agenda, I was in Craven Dale and other Country Club's in the past and have sponsored many tournaments. I currently just have myself and a close friend in a Club I created.  This month is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and I was just trying to sponsor some credits to a large Club and do something good. In hind sight I guess I should have just left all alone. Not a big deal. Apologies to all! 



    I wish I could believe that but I'm afraid I do not.

    Why post the refusal of your offer in the main forum? 

    By the way, that question is rhetorical.

  • ct690911
    7,205 Posts
    Wed, Oct 19 2016 3:56 PM

    "This month is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and I was just trying to sponsor some credits to a large Club and do something good."

    Everyone has been touched by this insidious disease at some level. I don't quite understand how donating credits to a large CC is doing "something good"?  I generally donate to the BC awareness fund...they give da missus a pink ribbon to wear as a sign of appreciation.

    I'm not being cynical...the question is genuine. If I receive no enlightenment, I guess it's also rhetorical.


  • petervcpt
    1,013 Posts
    Thu, Oct 20 2016 12:01 PM

    Always with the breast cancer.

    Jeebus even our cricketers play wearing pink to support it.

    What about prostate cancer?

    Do women need a Special Awareness Month to let EVERYONE know that they are afflicted by or or support breast cancer?

    I recently conquered duodenal cancer.

    Where's the outcry for Duodenal Cancer Month?


  • ct690911
    7,205 Posts
    Fri, Oct 21 2016 2:55 AM

    Peter...cancer is a terrible disease. Breast cancer is among the most common, along with prostate cancer in men. In Canada we have November set aside for Men's cancer awareness, with many men growing facial hair as a way to support it.

    Duodenal cancer is a fairly rare, so it won't get the attention it deserves. That said, I am obviously pleased you beat it..:)
