astcbear54:The 15 foot scale is totally off. I would guess that 75% of my bogies double bogies were under a foot. Probably 25% under 6 inches. Rim outs happen on even short puts because of the extreme speed.
I've had the Daytona for years (I now have the Odyssey), and have had no problems with it.
I always use the 15ft scale for all putts under 20ft....depending on roll and slope.
On Tourny Speed greens a full 15ft putt will go 20ft...this also depends on Slope.
I think you just have to get use the scale or use the 30ft or 60ft scale using the Avatar Movements to judge the distance.
I don't use the Avatar movements fo the 15ft scale, but I think it's 6, 6 and 3ft
I never remove the flagstick either, but you can if you want to. Flagstick, if hit can also help you by stopping the ball from going 30ft past the
There is also an Award you can get for extra bonus points for hitting the Flagsticks