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Re: CC Event #37

Sat, Dec 17 2016 1:11 PM (24 replies)
  • AlaskanDame
    19,834 Posts
    Sat, Dec 17 2016 11:03 AM


    I can't think they meant to give the number mentioned for each place X the number of members that played.  It seems way too generous for something they want 400 credits for


    Seems that way to me, too, but I'll use what we won while we have them, lol!

    But, the top finishers, getting 300 or more builders (x3, x4 for players participating in the Clash), won't ever have to buy a Builder --- Cheers to them!

    That might be adjusted in the next Clash, eh -- but it will be too late really with them already have 300 or so to play with.

    I'm hoping the 150 - 500th place finishers keep getting 1 x participant.  We would actually try to get members to play a round in the next Clash.  ;-)


  • mkrizan86
    1,866 Posts
    Sat, Dec 17 2016 11:26 AM



    I can't think they meant to give the number mentioned for each place X the number of members that played.  It seems way too generous for something they want 400 credits for


    Seems that way to me, too, but I'll use what we won while we have them, lol!

    But, the top finishers, getting 300 or more builders (x3, x4 for players participating in the Clash), won't ever have to buy a Builder --- Cheers to them!

    That might be adjusted in the next Clash, eh -- but it will be too late really with them already have 300 or so to play with.

    I'm hoping the 150 - 500th place finishers keep getting 1 x participant.  We would actually try to get members to play a round in the next Clash.  ;-)


    We'll see if the prize for every participant instead of CC was a mistake or not on Monday ;-)

    Maybe they just realised they won't be selling that many and this could be used at least to get more people playing in clashes and use more ball life.


  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Sat, Dec 17 2016 11:41 AM

    The course builder prize was good. Gave us some incentive to play,  just using the free passes and I purchased 2 passes.  Something I said i would never do  Doh    lol.

    I think we finished in the Top 300 or somewhere like that.

    Is there a Results page anywhere to see the results or the final Leaderboard.  I'm curious now

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Sat, Dec 17 2016 1:11 PM

    I purchased 2 passes.  Something I said i would never do

    So it did work on you. Their good!

    Is there a Results page anywhere to see the results or the final Leaderboard.  I'm curious now

    It's in your prize conformation mail if you received any. Furthermore, on the Clash results page, you see the final position of your CC, and if you are within the first 200, you might find yourself on the leaderboard.

  • RyjaTybas
    5,153 Posts
    Sat, Dec 17 2016 1:11 PM

    The course builder prize was good.

    Not that our CC won one - because the whole clash/event thing is a bit of a farce.

    But given the price for "course builders" - or rather "course usage" - its at least a tiny bit more of an incentive.

    But would turn a loss - considering the "extra" passes needed.

    WGT wearing their "money hat" as usual - rather than their "lets take a long-term approach and don't screw people Santa" hat.