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CC Event #37

Sat, Dec 17 2016 1:11 PM (24 replies)
  • ArgyleScott
    1,267 Posts
    Thu, Dec 15 2016 2:35 PM


  • DrussTheLegend
    1,043 Posts
    Thu, Dec 15 2016 4:38 PM




    This post sums up CC Clash events perfectly......

  • 777999
    2,111 Posts
    Thu, Dec 15 2016 5:25 PM


    Do you actually have something useful to say???  Seems unlikely??? WGT is a profit making company as well they have to be to survive and function. Are is possible that people are so obtuse as to not realize that???

    Change is a fact of life and necessary for any kind of progress, even if it at times requires a step backward... Give'em time folks... They actually are not our/your enemy, but rather just plain folks like yourselves, with a live and family to support. Maybe it would be nice for a change if so of you naysayers wake up and treat them as fellow human beings, or perhaps that is simply to much to ask of some of you, with nothing positive to add!!!


  • DrussTheLegend
    1,043 Posts
    Thu, Dec 15 2016 6:07 PM

    Actually, thank you for supporting WGT's credit grabbing initiatives.

    Hopefully enough of you spending credits on Clashes and Custom Courses will keep the price of cartoon balls at 50% of a real golf ball for a long time.


    You go on and keep stat-padding their marketing department's KPI and bonus pool - and I will carry on doing what I enjoy......




  • jase025
    3,065 Posts
    Thu, Dec 15 2016 8:22 PM

    My club gets in an has a go , you all talk about Georgian winning all the time , yet do nothing about it at least we keep them on their toes , all of people bag the hell out of the clashes in here , simple don't like it don't play in it 

    surely you all have something better to do with your time than starting threads bagging then every 2 weeks  

    childish to say the least 


    director Gulfs Golfers

    ps, always looking for players to help bring down Georgian CC if you would like to pop in we supply our members their passes to play so won't cost you a cent lol

  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Fri, Dec 16 2016 3:10 AM

    The CC Event has no meaning to it anymore.   Good for Wgt and I don't have a problem with that.

    Good idea when it first started, but when you get one club winning all the time it's just not golf    lol.

    I mean no offence by saying that.  

    Just wondering what the secret is, I can guess I suppose.

    We all get a certain amount of free passes, do the clubs force their members to buy passes so the club can get the rewards and if the members don't buy the passes are they kicked out of the club

    Just wondering


  • PhilEStein
    1,269 Posts
    Fri, Dec 16 2016 4:10 AM

    As my fav Oz comedian once sang: DILLIGAF

  • hpurey
    11,521 Posts
    Fri, Dec 16 2016 8:04 AM

    Still only the golden putter.

    Clash #37 but still....

    Coming "soon"...

    More virtual equipment to win!


    The word "SOON" makes me laugh anytime I hear it now.  ;-)

    I can only imagine the specs on a golden wedge, or driver.  LOL  

  • Rabbit274
    1,178 Posts
    Sat, Dec 17 2016 1:35 AM


    My club gets in an has a go , you all talk about Georgian winning all the time , yet do nothing about it at least we keep them on their toes , all of people bag the hell out of the clashes in here , simple don't like it don't play in it 

    surely you all have something better to do with your time than starting threads bagging then every 2 weeks  

    childish to say the least 


    director Gulfs Golfers

    ps, always looking for players to help bring down Georgian CC if you would like to pop in we supply our members their passes to play so won't cost you a cent lol

    ^^^ agreed

    Our club also has a go - not for any particular reason, but we just like to come up against other clubs to see how we do. Organising cc vs cc events, for us anyway, is quite difficult, so this is not a bad substitute.

    We have a laugh, we use the free passes and superpasses and, although some do, most of us do not buy passes.

    Having said all that, by participating, we now have 125 course builders - so there is some value in playing!

  • ArgyleScott
    1,267 Posts
    Sat, Dec 17 2016 2:17 AM


    Having said all that, by participating, we now have 125 course builders - so there is some value in playing!

    SAY WHAT!?!