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Re: What causes Meter Skipping, and the WGT Flash Client

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Tue, Jan 24 2017 5:49 PM (14 replies)
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  • dedBuNNy
    1,919 Posts
    Tue, Jan 24 2017 8:15 AM

    Not entirely correct, nor entirely wrong. Bit of both.

    If you want to see exactly what is happening with the game when you are playing, create an Adobe account, download Scout, run it against the game while playing (preferrably on a second screen) and watch what happens when you play. 

    This game doesn't load assets to your machine, it loads them to your browser cache, there's a difference. 

    The meter (game client) does not close it's connection state to the game server upon releasing the mouse button waiting for the meter to track and you press the button again to stop it. That connection stays open always, game would be unplayable otherwise. 

    Your own connections, ISP, internal network traffic, PC connections from other applications which 'sqwak' back to servers, AV software... Those connections and traffic can and certainly do cause meter skips etc.  

    It's not WGT sabotaging the servers or game.

  • MainzMan
    9,591 Posts
    Tue, Jan 24 2017 10:56 AM


    That also includes the occasional vacuum of fans in my pc tower. Apex does his every ten mins!

    Isn't using a vacuum cleaner to suck dust out of your PC to be most strongly advised against due to the build up of static electricity potentially blowing components?

    I always thought this was the way to go:


    It doesn't take 5 mins to unscrew the back and either blast the crud out with a can of compressed air

    It's a lot messier but safe.


  • PhilEStein
    1,269 Posts
    Tue, Jan 24 2017 1:57 PM

    Isn't using a vacuum cleaner to suck dust out of your PC to be most strongly advised against due to the build up of static electricity potentially blowing components?

    I always thought this was the way to go:

    Maybe the case with German vacuums Damien as no doubt they're powerful machines. Not so for UK ones. Even Monica Lewinski's got a better suck than ours. Allegedly!

    Actually, it's the first I've heard of it and I've never had any issues with the numerous times I've cleaned out my towers. Not that I  would want to use a can of air on a tower as all that is likely to happen is you'll remove the dust from the vents and fans and dispel it elsewhere in the tower. Then the second you switch on, the fans will instantly attract it back to as before. Bit like Mr Fox's posts really, pretty pointless.

    Can't really see where or how the static would build up with a well ventilated tower and half a dozen fans whirring around. Also can't say I've heard of any reported problems from elsewhere either. Probably a malicious rumour started by some bored nerd and perpetuated by the PC brigade and the nanny state.

    It's a lot messier but safe.

    As said, I don't consider the vacuum method unsafe but agreed compressed air is messier but handy for getting into tight places like laptop crevices. Nothing like having a blast of ice cold air up your crevice.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Tue, Jan 24 2017 4:17 PM

    Actually, it's the first I've heard of it and I've never had any issues with the numerous times I've cleaned out my towers

    Then consider yourself lucky. There's a tremendous amount of static electricity in the air around dust moving at high speed. My dust collector will zap you pretty good if you're not grounded using it. The air around the duct work is charged and will raise the hair on your arms. It doesn't take much to zap a chip. 

  • dedBuNNy
    1,919 Posts
    Tue, Jan 24 2017 5:49 PM


    Actually, it's the first I've heard of it and I've never had any issues with the numerous times I've cleaned out my towers

    Then consider yourself lucky. There's a tremendous amount of static electricity in the air around dust moving at high speed. My dust collector will zap you pretty good if you're not grounded using it. The air around the duct work is charged and will raise the hair on your arms. It doesn't take much to zap a chip. 

    Ya totally, that's insane. Using a household vacuum cleaner to suck dust out of a computer with the plastic wand especially, those things throw lightning bolts .


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