Clear as mud to me. Instead of searching the universe for someone or something to blame, try looking closer to home. Like in a mirror for instance.
While I'm not as OCD as Apex, I am a believer in maintaining a pretty clean, efficient and regularly updated station and doing what I can to keep it running as smoothly as possible. That also includes the occasional vacuum of fans in my pc tower. Apex does his every ten mins!
The latter also applies to when I used to run a laptop. It doesn't take 5 mins to unscrew the back and either blast the crud out with a can of compressed air or vacuum it out. He says, looking around at the guilty faces.Oh yeah, something that's been on the 'meaning to do' list since forever.
It used to be that cooling the internal temps on a pc/laptop was the way to go as it was deemed they would run faster and therefore more efficiently but that was many years ago. Certainly folk appear to be lazier in these days of a throw away society.
To that end I used a USB powered lap cushion that contained a fan that blew cold air through the vents, onto the fan in the bottom of the laptop. In the main PC tower I built in nine cooling fans which was probably a mite OTT, but it sure ran cool. Things have probably changed a lot since.
On top of the above, you have what could be seen to be self-destructive Flash Players and browsers that require un-installing and re-installing from time to time. Then on top of that again, you have dear old WGT. I'll say no more on that subject as that cold naughty step is not good for my piles.
Then just when you think it's safe to step into the water along comes that 6m saltie, that is the the USA power supply system. Arguably the most decrepit power grid system among all developed nations. With all the surges, spikes and outages, non-conducive to running a smooth power supply to a delicate computer, to say the least. Who's to say your spiky meter isn't caused by your spiky mains power supply?