alosso: I've seen TMs with no RR since TP due to matchplay, and evidence of cut numbers when credit wins are in the mix.
They don't need to play actual RRs for it as long as MP, credit and award wins keep contributing to their effective RRs.
Basically, if I shoot 10 rounds in a tier at 65 average that means I have played 650 shots and have 10 actual RRs. Now if I then get a credit win settled and my average drops to 63, it doesn't mean now my shots played has dropped to 630 with 10 rounds to make my average as 63.
What in turn happens is the credit win contributes to my shots played and effective RRs(skewed towards RRs). So my shots played becomes 1134 and effective RRs played becomes 18. That makes up my avg as 63.