iPhilMickelson: Last question(s), I know that scored Match Play rounds are also somehow mixed in with the ranked rounds, because I had less than the required amount of Ranked Rounds before I ranked up to Master and I was playing scored Match Play. So how does that work? Just the match play rounds that you win against higher tiers count towards your ranked rounds?
No, a MP win against a higher tiered player can reduce your average but doesn't count as a ranked round towards tiering up.
Only ranked rounds of strokeplay count towards saturation/tiering up..
No par 3s, Par 5s or custom courses count.
iPhilMickelson: How can I find out my total ranked rounds that will count towards the 40 I need to get to Tour Master?
You should have taken notice how many you had when you last tiered up. Check your score history, you might be able to see from there.