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Re: putting grid

rated by 0 users
Tue, Jan 5 2010 1:09 PM (18 replies)
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  • hesomist
    62 Posts
    Tue, Sep 8 2009 9:50 AM

    I agree lilrob!  very nice suggestion!

  • lilrob88
    870 Posts
    Tue, Sep 8 2009 10:31 AM

    from the couple of responses im getting people seem to like the idea! :)

    wgt peek-a-boo! can you see us?


  • tibbets
    1,043 Posts
    Tue, Sep 8 2009 10:37 AM

    As the person who specifically petitioned so long ago to have WGT remove the putting grid for other players, let me give you my take on it.

    I can see perhaps having it on in Practice mode, where the round itself isn't going to count towards anything, and could be useful as a learning tool there.  Outside of that, I still maintain that the less information you receive about your opponents shot, the better.  They used to have the aiming arc visible for everyone to see, and what you'd find most of the time is a game of 'Follow the Leader', where you'd see where your opponent aimed, saw the result, and adjusted your target accordingly.   I still want to avoid that as much as possible in any round that is ranked. 

    It sounds fine as a Practice round tool.

  • lilrob88
    870 Posts
    Tue, Sep 8 2009 10:43 AM

    That is the whole point of the feature. Kind of pointless to allow use of it in ranked round, but in practice mode with buds it would be nice to have. Main purpose of the visible putting grid is to apply what you learned in practice to ranked rounds you play. Others being able to see would be so to speak as having a putting coach, as long as that person can putt themselves :)

    Although the ability to line your putt up in a ranked round while others putt i say is still a good idea. The whole point of that feature is to speed up play.

  • brandi35
    295 Posts
    Tue, Sep 8 2009 11:58 AM

    I will still follow your ball, aim feature or not.....hehehehe


  • bullpin
    630 Posts
    Tue, Sep 8 2009 5:28 PM

    I think this would be a great new feature. I often try to read my putt before its my turn, but I often forget while waiting my turn. It would be a lot more helpful if there was another camera angle, because I'm sure we all hate waitng five minutes to finish up on the green. If this is "the most realistic golf game on the web"' as many have said, then I think it could have a couple of features like this one.

  • coolswing
    1,017 Posts
    Wed, Sep 9 2009 5:02 AM

    Great idea Rob and one that'd be easy for wgt to apply sine we had that before the upgrades.  In real life golf the reason why the order of play is such is to reward the player with the better shot, hence he get to play second and gain a slight advantage by seeing what happens to the other player's shot.  Think about it folks the player who is further from the hole always play first, ever ask yourself why that is so ! besides I can't see any harm done anyway for one player to see what the other player is doing, as they still have to execute the shot to get the result he wants.

    Thanks to Lilrob for bringing this point up, it's very considerate of you as this feature will definitely help the new players learn the game more quickly or at least get an idea of how the good players execute their shots to be as good as they are.

  • PugsAce
    1,825 Posts
    Tue, Jan 5 2010 11:43 AM

    With the changes that were made enabling better practice sessions, i.e. tee choice, green speeds, wind speeds, etc... WHY NOT implement a "display practice partner's putting grid" option, as well?

    This could ONLY be a win/win for WGT AND the players, as it could decrease the levels of frustration felt by new members.

    To add to this, while trying not to stray too far from the topic... add another option that allows, in multi-player practice mode only, the ability to see your practice partner's club choice, backspin/topspin, ball lie%, and swing meter level at ball impact.

    During practice/training, how could it hurt?

    I think these implementations would have a positive impact on community relations here at WGT, as well. I, for one, would get alot of satisfaction from sharing what I've learned "in real-time", and would also enjoy learning from those more adept at certain aspects of the game.

    This could get BIG, however! Scheduling for "training rounds" could necessitate another section of the forum, and... in the future, "fees" that some might require for their "exclusive services" [a percentage of which would naturally go to WGT  ;) ]... would need to be tracked and deducted/added to trainee/trainer accounts... ohhhh... the possibilities and ramifications!

    But initially... can't we just keep it simple, and try it out (in Beta, of course)?

    ... looking forward to an "official WGT response"... (didn't see this listed in the "Player Suggestion List thread").


  • WGTalex
    2,087 Posts
    Tue, Jan 5 2010 1:09 PM

    Thanks for the suggestion Pug. This could be helpful, but probably not a high-priority feature.

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