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Re: Streaming WGT/TWITCH/OBS

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Wed, Oct 4 2017 8:17 AM (9 replies)
  • slimjym
    141 Posts
    Tue, Sep 26 2017 10:15 AM

    I'm plan to watch a live streaming WGT match soon  Do I need to enable the download listed on the "TWITCH" website, or is this download solely necessary for streaming one of my games later?  Secondly what is OBS?   Mucho Thanks

  • JFidanza
    1,676 Posts
    Tue, Sep 26 2017 11:16 AM

    Now I'm not totally sure about the 'download' you speak of...are you watching from the PC or phone/mobile?


    Twitch video stream players are flash or HTML5. You should be able to go to the twitch page the WGT match is on and watch the stream if you have flash or HTML5 players 'enabled'


    OBS is a software used for people who want to stream a game etc., not needed if you are only going to watch.


  • slimjym
    141 Posts
    Wed, Sep 27 2017 7:28 AM

    Am using a laptop & tried yesterday to view "live WGT" match at the designated start time (Tue 5pm Dallas time), but was unsuccessful. I first clicked on "WGT STREAMING" which sent me to a "TWITCH" page. There I saw "View Live WGT" & "Watch Past Matches". Clicking on either though brought up a 2nd TWITCH page where I was able to watch past matches by clicking on videos, but I was not able to View Live WGT. Can  you advise what I'm doing wrong? 

    Lastly the download I was referring to is a large green button appearing on the WGT/TWITCH web page that says "START DOWNLOAD" I could be wrong but I believe this download is strictly used for members who want to stream their games. Since I only wish to view "LIVE WGT" at this time I assume their is no need to download anything. Is this correct? 

  • JFidanza
    1,676 Posts
    Wed, Sep 27 2017 9:45 AM

    I'm just guessing but if you can watch 'past matches' the ability to watch the live stream should be already possible without any further action.

    Maybe the streamer didn't start the live stream, and if they did usually the twitch chat box has some sort of activity.


    Correct, you don't need to download OBS or make any kind of download to just watch a stream. Generally speaking.


  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Wed, Sep 27 2017 10:40 AM

    This doesn't quite sound the same but just in case; I can't watch twitch games on Maxthon (I don't think I even get to see past games though) but if I change to IE I can.

  • fmagnets
    3,640 Posts
    Wed, Sep 27 2017 12:28 PM


    I was not able to View Live WGT. Can  you advise what I'm doing wrong? 

    Nothing. WGT don't stream any live matches any more. If you want to watch live play, you will need to pick an individual player you want to watch, then check on their profile page to see if they stream.

  • JFidanza
    1,676 Posts
    Wed, Sep 27 2017 12:34 PM


     tried yesterday to view "live WGT" match at the designated start time (Tue 5pm Dallas time), but was unsuccessful. I first clicked on "WGT STREAMING" which sent me to a "TWITCH" page. There I saw "View Live WGT" & "Watch Past Matches".

    I think a big question is where did you see that info above?

    What links? Can you post the URL or page that you are referring? 

  • fmagnets
    3,640 Posts
    Wed, Sep 27 2017 2:25 PM

    Streaming on WGT is the bottom option in the WGT Community menu. The information there is over a year out of date.

  • slimjym
    141 Posts
    Wed, Sep 27 2017 4:12 PM

    i appreciate your help regarding my issue with Twitch (as well as replies received from all others). I didn't realize the Twitch webpage was outdated & that they no longer air "live WGT matches on Tuesdays". As you correctly stated (should JFidanza readi this), the Twitch page in question was found by clicking on the bottom option of the WGT Community menu labeled "streaming WGT". At least some past games are still available to watch. Later Slim

  • CurtissAngell
    1,213 Posts
    Wed, Oct 4 2017 8:17 AM
    * I subscribe to fmagnets on his youtube channel. I will occasionally get an email alert that he is streaming live. * I also follow Young46 on youtube and watch his course talk-throughs and tutorials. * A lot of the players that we see on the leaderboards post their matches on youtube as well. * Drats! I'm not getting the line breaks from using the asterisk :/