Am using a laptop & tried yesterday to view "live WGT" match at the designated start time (Tue 5pm Dallas time), but was unsuccessful. I first clicked on "WGT STREAMING" which sent me to a "TWITCH" page. There I saw "View Live WGT" & "Watch Past Matches". Clicking on either though brought up a 2nd TWITCH page where I was able to watch past matches by clicking on videos, but I was not able to View Live WGT. Can you advise what I'm doing wrong?
Lastly the download I was referring to is a large green button appearing on the WGT/TWITCH web page that says "START DOWNLOAD" I could be wrong but I believe this download is strictly used for members who want to stream their games. Since I only wish to view "LIVE WGT" at this time I assume their is no need to download anything. Is this correct?