There is a club forum for each club which can be a good source of information. Researching the club forum one will find that somewhere between 12 to 15% of any club will use the club forum on an average.
Most players just want shot pal and putter pal and as long as they have that they are happy. Have tried all kind of tricks to get members involved in club activities but some or most just want to be left alone and play. Once we offered 400 credits in a drawing if we could get 60 members to post to a forum post. We gave 30 days for this to happen and the 400 credits died for lack of post. Let a clash start and 80 or so will play with no notice and it cost credits to play. Club tournaments have a good turnout most of the time but creating tournaments and watching the result can tell what the club likes to play.
I still believe that each club will have several clicks inside the club. That is players that like to play with certain players and will not look for others to play with. If someone finds the key that will get a club playing together as a club share the info.
Have fun